10 May 2009

India – Caste System -Know 21 prohibitions for Untouchables, Dalit

India – Caste System -Know 21 prohibitions for Untouchables, Dalit

In June 1931, the incident has occurred in the Ramnad District of the Madras Presidency. The superior class people the Kallar met together and framed eleven prohibitions for untouchables, exterior class.

These eleven prohibitions were:—

The Adi-Dravidas and Devendrakula Vellalar should not wear clothes below their knees.

The men and women of the above-said depressed classes should not wear gold jewels.

The women should carry water only in mud pots and not in copper or brass vessels. They should use straw only to carry the water pots and no clothes should be used for that purpose.

Their children should not read and get themselves literate or educated.

The children should be asked only to tend the cattle of the Mirasdars.

Their men and women should work as slaves of the Mirasdars, in their respective Pannais.


They should not cultivate the land either on waram or lease from the Mirasdars.


They must sell away their own lands to Mirasdars of the village at very cheap rates, and if they don't do so, no water will be allowed to them to irrigate their lands. Even if something is grown by the help of rain water, the crops should be robbed away, when they are ripe for harvest.


They must work as coolies from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. under the Mirasdars and their wages shall be for men RS. 0-4-0 per day and for women Rs. 0-2-0 per day.

10. The said communities should not use Indian Music (melam etc.) in their marriages and other celebrations.


They must stop their habit of going on a horse in procession before tying the Thali thread in marriage and they must use their house doors as palanquins for the marriage processions, and no vehicle should be used by them for any purpose".

Few more prohibitions from other part of India:


Under the rule of the Marathas and the Peshwas the Untouchables were not allowed within the gates of Poona city, the capital of the Peshwas between 3 p. m. and 9 a. m. because, before nine and after three, their bodies cast too long a shadow; and whenever their shadow fell upon a Brahmin it polluted him, so that he dare not taste food or water until he had bathed and washed the impurity away.


Under the rule of the Marathas and the Peshwas the Untouchables might not spit on the ground lest a Hindu should be polluted by touching it with his foot, but had to hang an earthen pot round his neck to hold his spittle. He was made to drag a thorny branch of a tree with him to brush out his footsteps.


In Gujarat the Untouchables were compelled to wear a horn as their distinguishing mark.


In the Punjab a sweeper was required while walking through streets in towns to carry a broom in his hand or under his armpit as a mark of his being a low caste, shudra or untouchable.


In Bombay the Untouchables were not permitted to wear clean or untorn clothes. In fact the shopkeepers took the precaution to see that before cloth was sold to the Untouchable it was torn & soiled.


In Malabar the Untouchables were not allowed to build houses above one storey.


In Malabar the Untouchables were not permitted to carry umbrellas, to wear shoes or golden ornaments, to milk cows or even to use the ordinary language.


Dalits are prohibited from taking part in religious and cultural rituals and festivals, including through a ban on marriage processions on roads. Where Dalits are included in village ceremonies and festivals, their participation is limited to the performing of degrading tasks. Additionally, they are expected to provide services during rituals and festivals without remuneration.


Status of dalit, harijan, and untouchable was below a dog; dog was considered better than a human, a dalit, harijan, untouchable person.


Today also in this year 2009 Dalit people are forbidden to enter into village temple.

Does black people in USA and Europe suffered this similar type of harassment the answer is Yes, they called it Racism 

Yes this proves that racism and castism are same things, different names.

India needs to accept it as a Racism and should take the actions on it.

Reality views by sm :


BK Chowla, May 10, 2009  

I must it is a very well researched post.
Fact is that even now for time to come the situation with the Dalits will remain pitiable,unless the political will takes over caste based voting pattern

sm,  May 10, 2009  

BK yes you right ty for reading

deeps May 11, 2009  

…but I think things have changed a lot ha?
Though I am into the topic anymore, with more education happening and the influence of media, life I think is taking a good look at these less privileged brethren I guess..
Anyway, the first one is still applied in some schools I think, girls wearing skirts above the knee however funny it looks and for whatever reasons!

Everymatter May 11, 2009  

Thanks for visiting my blog

i think it is useless these days to follow the 1931 rules

but your point about economy reservation is not clear to me

what do you mean by economy reservation?

tushar dasgupta May 11, 2009  

it was indeed very informative..today also there is a dominance but in the form of indirect hitting.don't you think so???

Everymatter May 12, 2009  

yes i am against current reservation system as it is based on lines of caste & politics

reservation must be given to poor & needy

i have mentioned this things in some of my articles posted at my blog

sm May 13, 2009  

deeps,yes i agree with you but if you will carefully see around you,you will find problems.

sm May 13, 2009  

Tushar,you are correct i agree with you

sm May 13, 2009  

everymatter good to know it,ty for answering me .
Somewhere i read that all great minds think say way.

Anonymous,  May 13, 2009  

India will never improve until the idea of caste is eliminated completly.

Sanket June 17, 2011  

Let few thousands of dalits embrace Islam and see the result. Meenakshipuram in Ramanathapuram district in TN proved it in 1982-83. And atrocities stopped abruply.
Hindu then will understand the language and meaning of discrimination properly.
Else let dalit demand a separate homeland.

sm,  June 17, 2011  


sm,  June 17, 2011  

Our Indian constitution is perfect we just the right implementation of the constitution which is not happening in India currently.
There is no need to demand separate homeland or one should never think of breaking India.