21 June 2009

Brief History of Indian National Congress

Brief History of Indian National Congress :

Reality views by sm :

Indian National Congress known as Congress party is founded in 1885 by
Allan Octavian Hume,
Dinshaw Wacha,
Wyomesh Chandra Bonerjee,
Surendranath Banerjee,
Monomohun Ghose,
and William Wedderburn.

Congress party is one of the parties who fought against British rule in India.

After Independence Congress party established itself as a number one party of India and still today it is number one political party because of wrong politics of other political parties.

Since that time Congress party is controlled by Nehru and Gandhi family .

Few people tried to challenge this but they failed totally and have to say sorry to Gandhi family.

Congress party was formed by the foreign people who worked in India as a civil servant with few Indian educated people with the permission from the British with the approval of Lord Dufferin, the then-Viceroy.

Allan Octavian Hume was from Scotland.

Dadabhai Naoroji was a Parsi, Member of Parliament (MP) in the British House of Commons between 1892 and 1895, and the first Asian to be a British MP.

Sir Dinshaw Edulji Wacha (1844-1936) was a Parsi Indian politician from Bombay.
He was knighted in 1917.

Womesh Chandra Bannerjee was the first President of the INC.

I tried to find more information on Bannerjee but I didn’t find it.

Sir Surendranath Banerjee Surendranath Banerjee was born in Calcutta. 

Monomohun Ghose (March 13, 1844 – October 16, 1896) was a first barrister of Indian origin. He was supporter of female education and freedom .That time his wife
Ghose’s wife, Swarnalata, took to wearing the gown, in the style of English women.
Sir William Wedderburn, 4th Baronet, JP DL (25 March 1838 – 25 January 1918) was a Scottish civil servant and politician.

Above were the original members who founded the Indian national congress.

History of Congress party can be divided into 2 groups.
Congress party before Independence and Congress party after Independence.

This information is enough I think the time has come we Indian citizens should learn and discuss only about what happened after independance and what should be the future of India .

Congress party after Independence:

Mahatma Gandhi and Sardar Patel wanted to dissolve the congress party as the goal was achived.The goal of independent India.

That same time India saw partition and after first elections Congress became the number one party and enjoyed unlimited powers in the country up to year 1977.

After the murder of M. Gandhi in 1948, and the death of Sardar Patel in 1950, Jawaharlal Nehru become the one and only one controller of the congress party of India.

Nehru led the Congress Party to consecutively majorities in the elections of 1952, 1957 and 1962.
After Nehru's death in 1964 Lal Bahadur Shastri was elected as the Prime Minister .He died in the year 1966.

In the year 1967 Congress saw first break up.

The official party became known as Indian National Congress (Organization) led by Kamaraj. And Indira Gandhi who broke up from Congress, but held control of state machinery ,her political party was give status of real congress by election commission of India.

The break up happened because in the elections of 1967 the opposition party Samyukt Vidhayak Dal, won in many states and then congress party leaders challenged the leadership of Indira Gandhi .This was reason Indira Gandhi broke from congress party and established new congress party.

Later on Kamraj congress merged into Janta Dal. Kamraj congress was the original old congress party of India .

Indira Gandhi started friendship with Russia and she started moment known as poverty remove, which is still followed by congress party of India.

In the year 1975 the court overturned Indira Gandhi's victory in the Parliamentary constituency. Then Indira Gandhi declared a state of National Emergency in the year 1975, curtailed the powers of the courts, and unleashed a police state.

In the next elections Congress party was defeated by opposition party but opposition party enjoyed rule only for 2 years.

After that Indira Gandhi won the elections. She was murdered in the year 1984.
After that Rajiv Gandhi become the Prime Minister ,he brought telecom revolution in India .Then LTTE murdered Rajiv Gandhi in the year 1989 .After this P.V. Narasimha Rao succeeded him as Congress leader and became prime minister.

After that congress party offered role to Sonia Gandhi the widow of Rajiv but she refused the offer .After this congress started to see the downfall in every sphere.

But later in 1998, Sonia Gandhi finally accepted the post of Congress President, in a move that saved the congress party from extinction.

This hurt many senior leaders of congress and they broke away from congress party,
But the Sonia’s policies won and they have to say sorry to Sonia Gandhi.

I see this in a different way don’t you think it was a fight between male dominance and female dominance.

Sonia Gandhi is born in Italy .The people who say they are Hindu, they follow Hindu dharma and culture also forgot that she is the daughter in law of India.

Insulting her means, insulting the every daughter in law .As per my little knowledge of Hindu dharma, Hindu dharma teaches to respect every female.

There are many charges on congress also regarding corruption also. 

1947 - Anti- Maharashtrian Brahmin riots
1975-1977 - State of Emergency
1984 Anti-Sikh massacre
Bofors Scandal
Crude Oil Scandal 

Adarsh Housing Society Scam
Coalgate scam – coal block allocation
Delhi Airport DIAL scam

CWG Scam

Indian Prime Ministers from the Congress Party 

Jawaharlal Nehru (1947 - 1964)
Gulzarilal Nanda (May - June 1964 and in January 1966)
Lal Bahadur Shastri (1964 - 1966)
Indira Gandhi (1966 - 1977, 1980 - 1984)
Rajiv Gandhi (1984 - 1989)
P.V. Narasimha Rao (1991 - 1996)
Man Mohan Singh (2004)
Man Mohan Singh [2009]


Siddhesh Kabe June 21, 2009  

Please correct grammatical mistakes dude...

sm,  June 21, 2009  

Sid ty i have already edited it 2 times and still working on it
Sid thanks for your suggestion.

BK Chowla, June 22, 2009  

SM,it seems it is destined that Congress will be a foreign dominated party.They say "it is the winning side which lives to write history".Congress was practically finished at a point of time but had it not been for Narsimha Rao,you would not have even written about Congress.I appreciate your having written about the unacceptable actions like Emergency and 1984 riots.However,your analyses of BJP sounded more interesting and credible than this oneYour heart did not seem with the Congress.

Dhiman June 22, 2009  

SM, my observation of Congress Party is that it was a party started by the rich for the rich and now after BJP and other parties nearly demolished Congress that they have started thinking about 'aam aadmi' :) Nevetheless thanks for this analysis of CP after a detailed one about BJP.

sm,  June 22, 2009  

Bk yes you are right.About Rao i do not mention because he was charged with some offences.

sm,  June 22, 2009  

dhiman yes you are right about cp ,rich cp for rich people.

Parv Kaushik June 22, 2009  

antonio maino's congress.. but still our population is happily married with the congress!!

jai ho!

sm,  June 23, 2009  

yes parv but do you see any choice for Indians whom you can trust.

Priyanka,  June 23, 2009  

short and perfect like it

Anonymous,  June 23, 2009  

Short and good...Keep it going...RM

sm,  June 23, 2009  

Rm thanks

ankit,  June 28, 2009  

Short and good
keep blogging

amar October 27, 2011  

it is the party still good for india

sm,  October 27, 2011  


Anonymous,  August 15, 2012  

please update all charges on congress

SM August 17, 2012  


thanks i updated post

Unknown November 23, 2013  

it is only Pure history .