23 August 2009

How To Join NDA – National Defence Academy

How to Join NDA – National Defense Academy –
Know the admission details to join NDA

How to Join NDA – National Defense Academy ?

Admission Details to Join NDA

Eligibility Criteria to Join NDA-

 XII Class / Equivalent passed certificate conducted by State Board / Universities. Candidate appearing for above examination can also apply.

Unmarried male candidates only

 Age between 16 1/2 to 19 years

Nationality - A candidate must be either: A citizen of India, or subject of Bhutan, or
A subject of Nepal, or Tibetan refugee who came over to India before 1st January, 1962, with the intention of permanently settling in India, or person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, the East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zambia, Malawi, Zaire and Ethiopia and Vietnam, with the intention of permanently setting in India)
Provided that a candidate belonging to categories (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) above shall be a person in whose favor a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India. Certificate of eligibility will not, however, be necessary in the case of candidates who are Gorkha subjects of Nepal.

How to Get the Admission Form to Join NDA?

About a year before the commencement of a Course, a brief notice appears in the leading daily newspapers and a detailed notification in the Government of India Gazette, offering about the entrance examination to be held by the UPSC six months later at Agartala, Ahmedabad, Aizwal, Allahabad, Bangalore, Bareilly, Bhopal, Mumbai, Calcutta, Chandigarh, Cochin, Cuttack, Delhi, Dharwar, Dispur (Guwahati), Gangtok, Hyderabad, Imphal, Itanagar, Jaipur, Jammu, Jorhat, Kavaratti (Lakshadweep), Kohima, Lucknow, Madras, Madurai, Nagpur, Panji (Goa), Patna, Port Blair, Raipur, Sambalpur, Shillong, Shimla, Srinagar, Tirupati, Trivandrum, Udaipur and Vishakhapatnam.
Recommended Keep an eye on Employment Newspaper and Times of India regarding this advertisement.

How to Apply?

 A candidate seeking admission to the examination must apply to the Secretary, Union Public Service Commission, Dholpur, House, New Delhi-110011, on the application form published in newspapers. The candidates may utilize the original form published in newspapers or in "Employment News" and fill up the columns in their own handwriting with ball-point pen.

They may also use the application form and the Attendance Sheet neatly typewritten on white paper (foolscap size) in double space typed on only one side of the paper.

There is no objection to candidates using printed/Application Form and Attendance Sheet, if available, from private agencies as long as the format is exactly the same as published in the advertisement.

Candidates who have appeared for the previous examinations will not be considered. The envelope containing the application should be super scribed in bold letters as "APPLICATION FOR NATIONAL ACADEMY EXAMINATION”.

Selection Procedure –

The process of selecting cadets for the National Defense Academy is split into three phases –

A written examination held by the Union Public Service Commission.

An interview by the Service Selection Board to assess a candidate's officer potentialities
(Intelligence and personality test).

A medical examination by a Service Medical Board.

Scheme of the Examination -
The subjects of the written examination, the time allowed and the maximum marks allotted to each subject are as follows -
Subject Code Duration Max Marks
Mathematics 01 2 1/2 hours 300
General Ability 02 2 1/2 hours 600

The papers in all the subjects will consist of objective type questions only.
the question papers (Test Booklets) will be set in English only.

Syllabus for Entrance Examination
Paper I - Mathematics: (Maximum Marks 300)
Arithmetic, Mensuration, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Statistics.

Paper II - General Ability
Part A - English (Maximum Marks 200)
Part B - General Knowledge (Maximum Marks 400)

Section A (Physics)
Section B (Chemistry)
Section C (General Science)
Section D (History, Freedom Movement etc.)
Section E (Geography)
Section F (Current Event)

Note -
Out of the maximum marks assigned to Part B of this paper, questions on Sections A, B, C, D, E and F carry approximately 25%, 15%, 10%, 20%, 20% and 10% weightage respectively.

For more details, please refer to Advertisement, along with APPLICATION FORM and detailed subject-wise Prospectus published by the UPSC every six months, i.e. April / May and October / November in all the local newspapers and Employment News.

Syllabus During Training Period (Academics)Science Stream (B. Sc.) / B. Sc. (Computer Science) Social Science Stream (B.A)

Physics (Compulsory)
Mathematics (Compulsory)
Computer Science History
Political Science
Cross Stream Subjects (Non-Credit) (Any 3)
Political Science Physics
Common Non-Credit Subjects
Area Study
Military History
Common Non-Credit Subjects
Common Service Subject - CSS (I to V Semesters)
Special Service Subject - SSS (VI Semester) (Based on service of a cadet)
Computer Appreciation Course (All Cadets)

More Information –
Recruitment of candidates to Army, Navy and Air force wings of the National Defense Academy (NDA), is through National Defense Academy Entrance Exam which is held twice a year, generally in the month of April and September. NDA exam is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). The course of training is for three years.

The candidate is required to give his preference for the service he wishes to join, however the final decision also depends on the rank he secures in the merit list.
The candidate should first decide their preference for the two academies i.e. National Defense Academy and Naval Academy (Executive Branch).
If a candidate opts for NDA as his first choice, he has to then give his preferences for the three wings of the NDA i.e. Army, Navy, Air force, followed by his preference for Naval Academy.
Alternatively, if he gives his first preference for Naval Academy, he has to follow it with his preference for the three wings of the NDA.
Candidates who desire to join Air Force Academy must indicate AFA as first choice, as they have to be administered pilot aptitude battery test at one of the AFSB and AF Medical at Central Medical Establishment/ Institute of Aviation Medicines.

Suggested Reading –

How can I join NDA if I am 14 years old?


Reality views by sm –

Tags –  NDA Join Process Exam Explained


BK Chowla, August 23, 2009  

This is very useful information.I am not ashamed of telling you that I had tried but I could not clear NDA.

indianhomemaker August 24, 2009  

This is really useful :) I have heard that after the pay commission and due to recession now NDA has become very popular career option once again!

sm,  August 24, 2009  

BK its great that you tried for this examination.

shilpa August 24, 2009  

Good post and very informative i am not joining NDA but will definately give details if someone wants to now thanks for posting

kim,  August 24, 2009  

good post i will email it to my friends.

Everymatter August 24, 2009  

good informative post

preposterous girl August 24, 2009  

Hi SM..
Here after quite a long time.. Actually exams just got over..
Now abt the post.. - As always very informative and useful..
Keep going.. :)

sm,  August 25, 2009  

everymatter thanks

sm,  August 25, 2009  

preposter girl thanks welcomeback.

sm,  August 25, 2009  

IHM yes you are right now after pay commision six there pay scale is increased lot. will try to find the information and add it to blog post.

Dhiman August 25, 2009  

Very useful post with detailed information... very helpful for NDA aspirants...

sm,  August 26, 2009  

Dhiman thanks.

Gauri Gharpure August 27, 2009  

very intersting! i didnt know subjects of Bhutan and Nepal or people of indian origin from other countriescould apply.. do you have any data of the number of such candidates who apply / are selected??

sm,  August 28, 2009  

Gauri G.To find out the information which you have asked one will have to file the application through right to information act.
thanks for raising this question,i will request if anyone knows it please answer it.

Revanth October 02, 2009  

please give me the details of this post

sm,  October 02, 2009  

exactly what help you want ?

sm,  October 09, 2009  

thanks alisa for posting your website advt,
hope next time you will read the post also.

Anonymous,  February 11, 2010  

i have taken commerce as my 10+2 subjects.... can i still join the NDA..........

sm,  February 14, 2010  

Anonymous,answer for your question regarding NDA -
Eligibility Criteria for the NDA examination is following

Age: 16½ to 19 years.

Marital Status and gender: Unmarried male candidates

Educational Qualification:

(i) For Army wing of National Defense Academy: - 12th Class pass of the 10+2 pattern of School Education or equivalent examination conducted by a State Education Board or a University.

(ii) For Air Force and Naval Wings of National Defense Academy and for the 10+2 (Executive Branch) Course at the Naval Academy :- 12th Class pass of the 10+2 pattern of School Education or equivalent with Physics and Mathematics conducted by a State Education Board or a University.

Candidates who are appearing in the 12th Class under the 10+2 pattern of School Education or equivalent examination can also apply for this examination.

Start to study mathematics and science

Purchase one or two NDA guidance books.

I am not satisfied with these answers but as I get more details I will post them.
Thank you for asking.

sm,  February 14, 2010  

Anonymous ---
If you are 12th commerce student - Then you can join Indian Army
So you can fill the NDA examination forms and join Indian Army.

If you have passed 12th with science you can become officer in navy / army/ air force. To become officer in navy or air force 12th science is necessary.

You can collect the forms from the District Head Post Office or keep an eye on Employment news or Times of India,

Anonymous,  February 20, 2010  

I have taken arts in 12 can I still have the chance to join as a army officer through NDA.

mohit,  March 04, 2010  

i m in class XII .........i would like to join NDA.Can anyone please tell me how to prepare or any coaching?plz

Anonymous,  April 06, 2010  

my date of birth is 02-04-1992. can i join nda in 2010?

sm,  April 06, 2010  

currently in which you are staying this may help me to find the good classes over there .
Still i will advice you find a class with the history of more than five or ten years,
where teachers are retired from arm forces.

sm,  April 06, 2010  

yes you can join it if you passed the 12th examination,but i have to check the deadline of application .
up to age 19 and half you are eligible so please pay attention to NDA ads in employment news and times of India.
did you have applied ,filled the forms.
thanks for asking .
showing trust.
good luck for exams.

Unknown April 26, 2010  

hi i m kush from deli my date of birth is 21/9/1996 i am in 9th i want to join NDA for our nation pls help me how can i join

sm,  April 27, 2010  

I will write a full article regarding this.
and will post today or tomorrow.

SM April 28, 2010  

Below is the link ,article for your question.


Unknown May 01, 2010  

I am doing my 12th standard can i knw how 2 join NDA

sm,  May 02, 2010  

please read the following post if not satisfied let me know again.


sm,  May 11, 2010  


Unknown May 17, 2010  

Sir me arun tell me which stream will i take after 10th to join

sm,  May 17, 2010  

Join 11th science, remember if you will study hard its very easy, if you do not like 11th science it is very easy to get a admission in the 12th commerce .
Shifting is easy from science to commerce.
But from commerce you will find it too tough to shift to the science line.

Deepak,  June 09, 2010  

Sir sm,
i want to join NDA,i am in dehradun.
and taken science stream in 11th icse board,and i just passed 10th in 2010.
should i start taking coachings??
or i should wait for class 12th??
a coaching institute is just opposite to my house.(Disha Acadamy)
i am little confused, cuz my friends say that 11th is tough...

Should i take coaching???


sm,  June 09, 2010  

Just give me one or two days to answer your question.
Please get the information regarding (Disha Acadamy)
Do they got teachers who are retired from armed forces. ?
How many boys are selected in the past from this acadamy ?
What topics they will be teaching you ?

Unknown June 12, 2010  

sir after 11th the commerce stream is necessary to join nda

Deepak,  June 12, 2010  

sir its a quite named Academy.
it's preparing students for the NDA since year 2000.
they will be teaching a-z to their students.
Even they prepare for the SSB also.

sm,  June 13, 2010  

One can join NDA after passing 12th exams.
2nd is as you are in 11th currently master the maths and other subjects.
concentrate on studies and maths.
maths needs practice so do it as much as u can
Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.

sm,  June 13, 2010  

If you can study at home you do not need coaching as you are in 11th standard.

Now just master the maths of 8 to 11th standard.
Arithmetic, Mensuration, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Statistics.

After passing the 11th science, in summer vacation join the coaching classes for NDA.

Please read the following article.
Article on how to study ? below is link.


Arun i will suggest you also go through this article.

If you think your maths is poor, then join classes for 11th science or maths.
But home study is must.
does any of your friend is joining that institute ?
What your parents say about class ?
Feel free to ask.

Deepak,  June 13, 2010  

thank you sir,
But none of my friends are interested in NDA.
and according to your instructions i will work hard, and give my best to pass in NDA examinations and SSB.

Thank you Sir.

sm,  June 14, 2010  

Just study hard with understanding the meaning ,concept
and no one can stop you from getting what you want or desire.

There is no excuse not to study hard.

Unknown June 16, 2010  

sir after 11th is the commerce stream is necessary to join NDA

sm,  June 16, 2010  

It is not compulsory for everyone to join NDA as there are limited seats.
Important is doing hard work and getting success in whatever you are doing.
Like CA or MBA.

Unknown August 06, 2010  

is there is direct admission on the basis of marks obtained in the 12th science ? Please inform.


sm,  August 09, 2010  

You have to pass the exam to join NDA.

Unknown March 02, 2011  

sir my date of birth is 28 oct 1992 then i can join NDA ?how? (my educational status is as follow
12th-60% Phy. + maths. group marks =118,maths-60& phy-58)

sm,  March 03, 2011  

start to read employment news paper,times of India.

Happy Kitten June 15, 2011  

Your blog is so informative!

nd it is by chance that I ended up here and I am very glad too.. I have been scouting for info on NDA for our son since some time and your blog provided much tips.

sm,  June 15, 2011  

Happy Kitten,,

Anonymous,  June 28, 2011  


sm,  June 29, 2011  

check your age and plan accordingly.
Keep reading employment news.

vijeth pinto,  July 06, 2011  

i want to join nda

sm,  July 07, 2011  

good luck

sunil&harsha,  September 19, 2011  

we are two friends already join in degree first year (B.sc electronics & B.com ) then what we have to do to join in NAVY or NDA.

HARSHA,  October 28, 2011  


sm,  October 29, 2011  

Sunil, thanks.
Please read the NDA eligibility.

Harsha,thanks. I will try to write a article on Navy.

ss January 13, 2012  


sir , i m in 11th i would like to join national defence army . so sir give me a advise that how can i join NDA.

thank you

Unknown January 30, 2012  

Sir, i m bajrang sewag
From bikaner (raj.)
i have passed 12th with commerce last year. now i want to join NDA.
can u advice me how can i join NDA and what ability NDA want

jagjit singh March 04, 2012  

Sir, i m Jagjit singh
From ludhiana(punjab)
I have passed 3 year diploma in computer science last year.Now i want to join NDA.
can u sdvice me how can i join NDA and what is the requirement ti koin NDA.

SM March 04, 2012  

jagjit singh, thanks.
Read the employment news paper.

Unknown January 14, 2016  

I'm in class 10th right now and I am willing to join the Indian army. So what stream should I opt for in class 11?