26 November 2009

RIP 26/11 - Watch The Video My First Love My Nation

RIP 26/11 - Watch The Video My First Love My Nation –

Mumbai At War
This is my first You Tube Video which I made to remember 26/11.

Watch the Video My First Love My Nation –

Please give the comments and feedback about video.

All the images are taken from Google image.

Song is from movie Param Vir Chakra.
Movie is directed, written and produced by Ashok Kaul.
The music is given by Ravindra Jain.

In short movie is about - Three friends at the national defense academy fall in love with one girl.
They pass out as officers of the Indian defense services, one becomes an army officer second the naval officers and the third as the air force officer... On the birthday of the girl each wants to propose the girl...
The war on the borders was eminent.
The girl was in love the naval officer she decides not to hurt anyone since they war going to fight the war for the nation... she did not want to break their hearts.. The war breaks... the love for the nation becomes supreme for all of them... Written by Major Ashok Kaul
I do not have any copy right on music or images.
If you like the music please purchases the cds of this movie.

26/11 Still We Indians do not have right to know , read the report Ram Pradhan Report on 26/11.
This is sign of slavery not independence and democracy.

Reality Views by sm-


Admin November 26, 2009  

Hi SM, I really appreciate your idea to share this video amongst us. This really is an awesome video. love the song too. very patriotic. Thanks a lot again..

Neha November 26, 2009  

that was a very nice video...a tribute to all...thank u for sharing..

sm,  November 27, 2009  

thanks. i also like this song

sm,  November 27, 2009  


sm,  November 27, 2009  

Vandana Patane, the elder daughter of assistant sub-inspector (ASI) Tukaram Omble, said that
Papa had only a lathi her father might have survived had he been armed during his encounter with Ajmal Kasab.

Half Indian December 02, 2009  

I like this video with the song very much. Good job!

sm,  December 02, 2009  

Half Indian,

Aj December 03, 2009  

Great Post SM

I have not seen the movie but the video is excellent with excellent clips. Very tastefully designed.

We are proud to be Indians..Namaste India.

(Ps - The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all. - John F. Kennedy )

sm,  December 08, 2009  

Ajit Keshav Nair,
thanks,yes one vote is also important.
Thanks for the quote.
- The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all. - John F. Kennedy )