10 December 2009

India – Telangana becomes a reality – a new state

India – Telangana becomes a reality – a new state
Telangana 29th state of India.
Power of people won and the law makers accept the will.
As was going to post this article, I heard the news of creation of Telangana state,
On Dec 9th 2009, 11:30 PM, Mr. P. Chidambaram, Union Minister of Home Affairs, on behalf of the Government of India announced that

a resolution in the Andhra Pradesh assembly for the creation of a separate Telangana state will be passed.
Telangana region is part of Andhra Pradesh state in southern India.
It constitutes
1. Hyderabad,
2. Adilabad,
3. Karimnagar,
4. Khammam,
5. Mahaboobnagar,
6. Medak,
7. Nalgonda,
8. Nizamabad,
9. RangaReddy
10. Warangal districts

History of the Telangana –
The meaning of Telangana literally means "Land of Telugus". The Telugu language originated in Telangana.
In Mahabharata and Ramayana also there are references regarding telangana.
After Independence forcefully India made the Hyderabad part of India which was controlled by Nizam. Indian army successfully carried operation Polo.
When India became Independent Telugu speaking population were distributed in about 22 districts.
• 9 of them in the Telangana region of Nizam's Dominions (Hyderabad State)
• 12 in the Madras Presidency
• And one in French-controlled Yanam.

After Independence India divided states on the basis of language, indirectly on the basis of caste system.
That time in the year 1953 Fazal Ali commission, the states Reorganization Commission was formed by Prime Minister. The commission created a report in 1955 recommending the reorganization of Indian state. This commission said that and recommended that Telangana should not be merged with the Andhra Pradesh. This should be decided by the people of the Telangana.
The strong Congress lobby in Andhra lobbied with central congress leadership for the merger. So, the central government decided to ignore the SRC recommendations and established unified Andhra Pradesh on November 1, 1956.
That time they made a Gentleman’s agreement to the Telangana people and Andhra regarding power, administrative and distribution sharing.
Jai Telangana movement -
Discontent with the Gentlemen’s agreement intensified and in the year 1969 January when the guarantees were supposed to lapse, Student agitation for the continuation of the agreement began at Osmania University in Hyderabad .In this movement nearly 360 students gave their lives.
In the year 1990 BJP promised that if they come into power they will create the separate the Telangana state, but after coming into power BJP failed to do so.
Congress party MLAs from the Telangana region, supported a separate Telangana state and formed the Telangana Congress Legislators Forum.
After this a new development happened Telangana Rashtra Samithi (or TRS) was formed with agenda of creating a separate Telangana state, with Hyderabad as its capital lead by Kalvakuntla Chandrasekhar Rao popularly known as KCR.
In the year 2004 Congress also promised the creation of separate Telangana but after winning the elections they behaved in a Congress Style. We all the know the style, we will do this, we will do that, don’t know when this congress style [We will think and do] will become a reality for India without agitation
In July 2008, Mr. Devender Goud A TDP, Telugu Desam Legislature Party leader along with some other leaders like Mr. E Peddi Reddy formed a new party called Nava Telangana Praja Party.
Because of this Incident TDP the party changed its stand of 26 years and declared that they also support creation of Telangana.
In the elections of 2009 every political party supported the creation of Telangana state.
Again after winning the elections Congress changed its stand and started to delay the process of creation of Telangana state.
In the first week of Dec 2009, the TRS president, K. Chandrashekar Rao (KCR) started a fast-unto-death demanding that the Congress party introduce a Telangana bill in the Parliament.
When congress party saw the huge support and sentiments of people the lords and kings of India agreed to table the bill.

Reality Views by sm -
It’s great that a new state will be created in India.

Why do I Support the small states?
In following lines you will get the answer.
• Big money , Big Project ,Big Corruption
• In schools do we want more students in classroom or less, we know the answer and reasons less students. Easy to manage, Easy to find weak student and pay him more attention , same is with state , small state ,easy to manage, easy to find corrupt officials
• Less money, small Budget, Easy to prepare and understand the Budget which results into less corruption amount is less.
• Will create more competition among states to prosper more

Above are the few reasons I support the creation of small states.
Also I know that after creation of the Telangana state then also there life will not improve and nothing will change. But this is the beginning. To understand the need of small states in India please read the following article which explains everything in details.

Suggested Reading - Benefits,Reasons for the creation of small states

Future Map of Telangana state 29th state of India-
anticipated map of Telangana state -
click on the image to see the larger image of the Telangana state Map

Update - Feb 3,2010
Indian central Government constituted a five-member expert committee on Telangana issue headed by former Supreme Court Judge B N Srikrishna.
The other members of the Committee are
1. Prof (Dr) Ranbir Singh, Vice Chancellor, National Law University, Delhi,
2. Dr Abusaleh Shariff, Senior Research Fellow, International Food Policy Research Institute, Delhi,
3. Dr (Ms) Ravinder Kaur, Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT, Delhi
4. Vinod K Duggal, former Home Secretary, who will also function as its Member Secretary.

It’s expected that in next three years committee on Telangana will give their report.
Let’s hope that this time committee will not demand more time, years and delay the process of formation of Telangana state,
committee may need next 10 or 18 years to prepare the report.

Watch the Video - History of Telangana - Part 1

Watch the Video - History of Telangana - Part 2

Watch the Video History of Telangana - Part 3

Watch the video History of Telangana - Part 4


sm,  December 10, 2009  

After the announcement by Government of India to pass the bill regarding Telangana
K. Chandrashekar Rao (KCR)the TRS chief broke his 11-day fast.

sm,  December 10, 2009  

Now the new fight will start regarding which district will be part of Telangana.
Eg. Hyderabad will it become the part of Telangana ?

Anonymous,  December 10, 2009  

Good post... informative !!
- Rashmi

Samvedna December 10, 2009  

very informative! I am amazed at your knowledge.

small states should be better but will they be? all depends on the politicians..more ministers, more facilites for them?

sm,  December 10, 2009  


Admin December 10, 2009  

Hello, thanks for such detailed information on Telangana. very useful.

sm,  December 10, 2009  

Yes you are right, this is also one of the reason small state is better, if a politician is corrupt he will not be able to rob more.
my observation is 99% are corrupt and useless.

sm,  December 10, 2009  


BK Chowla, December 10, 2009  

But it could also lead to major demands from other states.

sm,  December 10, 2009  

yes small states are good for India.
i strongly support the creation of small states.

sm,  December 11, 2009  

BJP party spokesperson Prakash Javadekar said that Hyderabad will be part of Telangana.

Everymatter December 11, 2009  

i am agree to the point that politicians takes wrong decision for their own personal political benefits but instead of separating India we should integrate it.

Bigger is better.

If we continued dividing states ultimately we will reach pre brtish era when India has so many small numbers of riysats and nawabs which will be a dangerous for India.

Already China as a strong neighbour is waiting for Divide of India, and if division is continuous in coming 1-2century we may be slaves of Chinese

Let us integrate India

sm,  December 11, 2009  


Insignia December 17, 2009  

Informative... But would divide and rule really work? What has happened to Chattisgarh and Jharkhand? They have turned more poorer for the worse.

sm,  December 18, 2009  

In future i will try to clear your doubts about small is best or small will divide.

SM December 18, 2009  

Chiranjeevi had fought the Lok Sabha elections this year on a promise of separate statehood for people belonging to the Telangana region.
And now he has become the true politician.
Just his image as tiger, Indra of movies has vanished.

Anonymous,  December 19, 2009  

@ sm,

your knowledge of telugu movies is impressive.

cheers !

sm,  December 20, 2009  


sm,  December 25, 2009  

Telangana Rashtra Samiti (TRS) chief K. Chandrasekhara Rao warned that any dilly dallying on the formation of Telangana state from Andhra Pradesh would spark a fire 'which even the military will not be able to control'.

sm,  December 28, 2009  

The Telangana Political Joint Action Committee (JAC) has issued an ultimatum to the Centre asking it to announce a clear cut time-frame for formation of a separate state by Monday evening, failing which an indefinite bandh would be called from December 29.
To mount pressure, about 70 legislators cutting across party lines have submitted their resignations to the Assembly speaker. All 13 state ministers from the region Friday sent their resignation to Congress party president Sonia Gandhi.
Police and paramilitary force have also been deployed in region as well as at Osmania University

sm,  January 29, 2010  

Ajit Singh,

Anonymous,  October 22, 2013  

Smaller states lesser corruption is absolute non-sence. Corrupted people have creative ideas like Jagan. KCR is also a correpted man. He wanted to live politically with Telangana issue. He is actully a united Andhra back of his mind, as once Telengana comes, he has no agenda.
Jagan wanted Telangana to come though he fight for "United Andhra" as he can be CM for Andhra.
Congress in central want to utilize these for its political gain.

So guys whether Telanga happens or not, our lives are not going to change.

SM October 22, 2013  



Smaller state Budget = xyz amount
small budget = small corruption

Big state = Big Budget = Big Corruption