23 December 2009

Watch Narendra Modi interview on compulsory voting in Gujarat.

Watch Narendra Modi interview on compulsory voting in Gujarat.
Narendra Modi Say's Voting must in Gujarat as well as India and says in future congress party will also support this compulsory voting law.
After listening this interview now i can confirm that Narendra Modi government will give first time in the history of India, a right to common man to reject the politician.They are planning to give option on ballot paper.
Lets hope Narendra Modi becomes successful in implimenting this compulsory vote law in Gujarat.

Watch Narendra Modi Interview regarding compulsory voting in Gujarat.

Suggested Reading – Why we need compulsory Voting in India ?

Suggested Reading - option none of above candidate


Apanatva December 23, 2009  

All the best for his plan .......

Chirag K. Shah December 23, 2009  

I being a Gujarati will surely vote during the municipality election and try to make this wise man's vision a success.

sm,  December 23, 2009  


sm December 23, 2009  

lets hope congress will support him sooner the better.

Admin December 24, 2009  

Hi SM, thanks for this video.

BK Chowla, December 24, 2009  

I wish we had more leaders like Modi.

sm,  December 24, 2009  


sm,  December 24, 2009  

Currently i do not see anyone like him not in BJP also.
lets hope others will join him soon.

Kuppan,  December 25, 2009  

This is the best ever positive change by a politician that I am hearing about in India. Hats off to Mr. Modi.

Can someone please enlighten me? Most of the time I am unable to Vote because I work in a different state and am not in a position to travel for a day just to find that someone else had done it on behalf of me! I am sure there are thousands of such eligible voters in Gujarat. How are they handled? is there a postal ballot or something for such voters?

sm,  December 26, 2009  

thanks for comment and asking the question.
i have answered your queries in my post below is the link