03 January 2010

India - Let’s Know about the UPSC Union Public Service Commission

India - Let’s Know about the UPSC Union Public Service Commission
Do you know that UPSC is the gift of British government to their slave colony known as India?

Reality Views by sm-

In year 1924 Royal Commission under the chairmanship of Lord Lee submitted report and recommended the setting up of the public service commission.
This led to the establishment of the first public service commission on October 1, 1926 under the chairmanship of Sir Ross Barker.

After this in the year 1935, under the Government of India Act 1935 British Government set up Federal Public Service Commission.

And this Federal Public Service Commission, the commission made for the slave colony known as India was converted by our [smart or fool?] Indians after independence into UPSC, Union Public Service Commission and it was given a Constitutional status with the promulgation of Constitution of India on January 26, 1950

The Union Public Service Commission is a Constitutional Body Established under Article 315 of the Constitution of India.

The commission consists of a chairman and ten Members.

Following are the main duties of UPSC under article 320 and 321 of the constitution of India.

1. Recruitment by conduct of competitive examinations

2. Recruitment by selection through interviews

3. Advising on the suitability of officers for appointment on promotion as well as transfer on deputation

4. Advising the government on all matters relating to methods of Recruitment to various services and posts ,framing and amendment of recruitment rules

5. Disciplinary cases relating to different civil services

6. Miscellaneous matters relating to grant extra ordinary pensions, reimbursement of legal expenses etc

7. Advising the government on any matter referred to the commission by the president of India

8. On the request of the Governor of state, to serve all or any of the needs of a state relating to recruitment with the approval of the President.

Methods of Recruitment –

1. Direct Recruitment - is done by following 2 methods, namely Recruitment by competitive examination and Recruitment by selection

2. Promotion

3. Deputation/absorption

Recruitment through Examination –

The commission conducts following examinations for appointment to various civil, defense services/posts.

• Civil services Preliminary examination

• Civil services Main examination

• Engineering services examination

• Combined medical services examination

• Indian Forest services examination

• Geologists examination

• Indian economic service / Indian statistical service examination

• Special class Railway apprentices examination

• Combined Defense services examination

• National Defense Academy and Naval Academy examination

• Central Police Forces[ assistant commandants] examination

• Section officers/ stenographers [ Grade B/Grade I ]

Regarding all the above examinations , a advertisement is published in the employment news , and Rozgar samachar stating name of examination, date of notification ,date of receipt of application and date of commencement of examination well in advance normally in October of the preceding year and also displayed on there website www.upsc.gov.in

The common application form along with information Brochure is available at designated Head post offices, post offices throughout the country for Rs.20 per application.

Detailed application form for civil services main examination and section officers/stenographers is supplied to the candidates by the commission.

It is very important to fill the application form a simple mistake in filling the form can result into rejection of your application and most important is no change / alteration is allowed in the application form once submitted to UPSC.
When you fill the form and post before that always keep the full Xerox copy of that form with you.
The constitution of India does not provide any formal relationship between UPSC and state public service commissions.

As a citizen of India we can demand information from UPSC using Right to information act 2005.


sjmach January 04, 2010  

You have a nice blog. I bookmarked it.

BK Chowla, January 04, 2010  

Thanks for sharing such wonderful information.

sm,  January 04, 2010  
