12 March 2010

An Answer to Email - Does Women Reservation Bill is Logical?

An Answer to Email - Does Women Reservation Bill is Logical?
One of our friends Amrut G.
After reading my 2 articles
1. http://realityviews.blogspot.com/2010/03/women-reservation-bill-2010-view.html
2. http://realityviews.blogspot.com/2010/03/india-women-reservation-bill-2010-need.html

Has sent me a mail regarding this and ask me justify that

Does women reservation bill is logical?
I thought it is better I share and justify with all the blog readers and friends

Below is the important content of mail.

Still this reservation for women is not logical. Go through the attached letter and justify your self.
Should not we submit a PIL- Public Interest Litigation rather NIL- National Interest Litigation, to The Supreme Court of the country to get it rectified?
Your respond shall be awaited,
Below is the letter.
After all what is this mockery being done with the nation in the names of reservation & quota?
Kindly clarify to the nation, because these terms; should have been done away with by now; as initially in the Constitution of the country these were applicable for only 10 years since after the attainment of independence, not liberty as the later is yet to come, because there is a vast difference between the two, and the period was extended but for political reasons keeping in mind the policy of divide & rule on the worse pattern than of the British.
Now it is 21st Century thus it is humbly requested to your good self that kindly let the Article 14 of the Constitution; which lays down that all citizens are equal before the law; should prevail to cure this nation from the cancerous disease of reservation & quota.
Better make such a law that none will write caste, creed & clan after one’s name. Everyone should write only one’s own name coupled with father’s or mother’s name & whosoever shall violate this dictate shall be fined & or punished with rigorous labour to construct & repair roads & railways for at least six months.

Let me clarify now –

Reality Views by sm -

Is women reservation bill is logical?
As well as reservation?

When I see the ground reality of India today, I feel that yes it is logical to support women reservation bill.
Yes India needs reservation policy

Now also and always I say always support the economic reservation with collective salary of family whenever any Indian is given reservation anywhere.

I support that it should be banned to write as well as ask the religion and caste on any forms any where in India.

Women Reservation Bill –

For this one has to understand few things about Indian politics –

1. Indian political parties have become profit making business houses.
2. Indian youth is not interested in politics because of politicians and their intelligence.
3. What are the topics of Indian females when they discuss in groups majority times Indian females are only found talking about Kitchen, education of kids, television drama and medicine, even males are found talking about Cricket and movies and discuss about sex news.
4. Educated youth of India as well as Females are not interested in politics they do not go to vote neither they care about it.
5. May be they are selfish Indians or very Intelligent Indians I do not know I am still thinking?
6. Indian constitution has given law making power as well as law implementing authority to the elected politicians , enforcement agencies work under them and obey them, even if criminal or Don gets elected , a police officer has to obey him,
7. In India politician do not have any accountability regarding performance or anything.
8. To become politician no merit is required.
9. Indian judiciary can only give suggestion to the elected politicians when they make law , if by using constitution judiciary rejects the law , the elected politicians amend the constitution of India and add new clause which make the rejected law a valid law.
10. This way Indian judiciary loses all powers as once constitution is amended, judiciary has to follow the constitution and rejected law becomes the valid law.
11. Hope you remember the office of profit episode
12. Here is another example - 1951 - In the case of State of Madras Vs. Smt. Champakam Dorairanjan AIR 1951 SC 226 Court has pronounced that caste based reservations as per Communal Award violates Article 15(1).
13. In above case Supreme Court of India rejected the caste based award.
14. After this elected politicians amended the constitution using their powers and added new clause to the constitution of India (Art. 15 (4)) introduced to make judgment invalid. And this way the law became valid law.
15. Elected politicians are not ready to change anything which will damage or weaken them legally.
16. In last sixty years no law is passed which will make them accountable.
17. Elected politicians are even trying to amend and weaken the Right to information act which is becoming very good tool for Indians to find the corruption.
18. Police reforms are pending
19. black magic bill is pending
20. Black money eradication suggestions given by 40 different panels is pending
21. Compulsory vote bill is pending
22. directive principals of constitution are pending
23. Every good type of work is pending in India

Like this list is unlimited,
In short Indian politics is controlled and run by few people to make money and enjoy the good life with power.
There is no hope from Indian politicians regarding good laws and policies which will increase the speed of progress socially as well as money wise.

How this can be changed, how Indian politics can be change?

Do you think by writing letters to politicians this will be done?
After 26/11 Mumbai saw candle light what happened after that?
Did it change anything in Mumbai or India?

Nothing changed in India.

This will be done, achieved when every Indian family will discuss the politics,
Every Indian will understand the politics
And India will witness more than 75 percent voting in each election.

The logic to support this women reservation bill –

The Bill seeks to reserve for women 181 of the 543 seats in the Lok Sabha and 1,370 out of a total of 4,109 seats in the 28 State Assemblies.

Once this bill becomes law India will see the rise of female politicians corrupt or honest both will happen.
Most important benefit I see is that Indian females will start to discuss the politics in home.
For me I believe that Today in India politics is not the main subject of each home,
After this bill becomes law
There are chances that politics becomes the topic of majority homes.
We need to see that politics becomes the main discussion subject in every home and with
This automatically new generation will learn to talk about politics.
With women reservation bill nothing bad is going to happen, because currently nothing good is happening.
So one more new experiment which will empower few females.
Today majority Indian females spend their life as working housewife or just housewife,
, a working mother or just mother
No female has dream to join politics, so she do not empower her daughter or son to join the politics because she herself does not understand politics.
And how can a good mother will send her son or daughter to unknown territory, unknown job?

With the empowerment of females, females will become strong and I see the strong mother who takes interest in politics, when she takes interest in politics, the son and daughter also learn from her.

I hope everyone knows about King Shivaji from Maharashtra.

Now my question is that
Why king shivaji fought with the Muslim Kings?
Why king shivaji do not serve Muslim kings like his father?
Why king shivaji became great?

Answer is only one
King Shivaji got the mother who understood the politics of that time
Mother Jijabai

Today problem with India is we do not have females like mother Jijabai
And so we do not have any Shivaji

With this bill I just hope that India will start the process of developing females regarding political knowledge and one day one Jijabai will produce Shivaji who will change the face of India.

Today mothers also wish her son should become doctor or Engineer.
No mother is interested to send her son into politics
Just think why
Because she herself does not understand the game of politics neither she likes this game of politics.
If mother does not like it how is it possible her son and daughter will like it and go to vote in the elections .

If you want to oppose then oppose the demand that quota inside quota policy, because this demand will divide the females by caste and religion which is dangerous for India because when female is divided, mother is divided and this will spread the hatred among communities which is not good for India.
Today in India for each youth mother is mother then she may be Muslim or Hindu or belong to any caste it does not matter, we see her as our own mother when we talk with her, but quota within quota will divide the mothers and sisters also.
These way brothers and uncles will also get divided
Seeta and Salma and Mary will get divided because of this quota within quota.
A dangerous demand from few political parties regarding this women reservation bill.

With one logic women reservation bill is not good
But we have to understand the reality of Indian politics and follow the other logic.
Do you think a thief will make such a law which will send him to jail?
Do you think a rapist will make a law which will cut his private part?

Yes our dreams are same
but you are hopeful with the politicians and i am not hopeful from any political business house.

Yes i am a dreamer and dream that
without revolt and fight
how Indian politics will change ?

I hope now the logic is clear that we need Indians to discuss the politics in every home and this bill will do the trick.

Because I do not have any hope from any political business house.

Thank you Amrut G.
For writing me detailed mail and asking me question.
I hope now it is clear that why I support women reservation bill.

Remember if we want to change Indian politics
First Indian politics need to become the main topic of each home.

If this does not happen I am sure India will witness the day just like France

If you do not have bread, go and eat the Pizza.


Anonymous,  March 12, 2010  

An open letter

Honourable representatives of the people of India,

Your commitment to the empowerment of weaker sections of the society including women and children is indeed commendable. Every citizen of India should be able to avail equal opportunity in all public sphere of the nation. However, often people find helpless to break the barriers of social, financial and political structures to fulfil their potential. You have a constitutional responsibility to enact policies and programs to bring about the change needed to ensure that everyone has an equal right to enjoy the protection that the constitution guarantees. It nevertheless becomes appalling when your attempts towards such an ideal weaken the very democratic institutions that empower you to herald change by constitutional provisions.

Democracy is all about choice. The citizens have an inalienable right to elect the best and the brightest, at least in theory, to represent them at the highest citadel of the constitution. Irrespective of their class, creed, gender, etc, the candidates should have the highest calibre not only in terms of (paper) qualifications but also the knowledge and foresight to learn in advance the designs of the adversaries and enemies of this nation and to act pro-actively to make the nation safer and stronger. This objective is affected when the pool of candidates is restricted to any specific demographics, however benign the intentions were and produces inefficiency that erodes democratic values. Needles to say, that such restrictions are against the character of the constitution. It is not acceptable.

At least the three foundational pillars of a democracy, namely the legislature, executive and judiciary should be untouched by emotional considerations and nothing but merit – repeat merit alone – should be the sole criteria to determine who is placed where. To increase participation, no one should be allowed to appease any section of the electorate by unconstitutional means like this. The citizens of this country do not need a queen (or king) of India dishing out privileges out of self-interest to any sections of the society under the pre-text of empowerment but demand the wise representatives to collectively come up with conducive programs that are constitutionally valid to make this ancient land a strong democracy and powerful economy. Thank you.

Anonymous,  March 12, 2010  

Amrut G is indeed right and similarly all right-thinking-citizens should submit a PIL- Public Interest Litigation (or NIL- National Interest Litigation), to The Supreme Court to get the constitutional amendment enabling women’s reservation bill annulled. The politicians can not be allowed to get away with destroying institutions after institutions with their, lazy, ill-conceived and often pernicious ‘bills’, without any concerns for the adverse consequences to the nation from such indiscriminate culture of reservation everywhere as a replacement for conducive developmental policies. Indian parliament is not their ancestral property to apportion among their interest groups and/or vote banks. None of the responses provided here to the very cogent queries from Amrut G, can persuade anyone who understands the political realities of India. Just because women do not take any interest in politics, do you think reservation is the least costly solution? Even if women as a group, is doing it tough, reservation to the parliament can not be justified as a remedy. If that is the case what is next? Just because 60% of the children suffer from malnutrition in India even after 60 years of independence, do you justify giving 20% reservation to children in all law making bodies will solve that? Or to get the insurgents to the mainstream of democratic process, do you justify 10% reservation for them in the parliament? If not, this bill to reserve seats for women to get them into the politician mainstream is also an absurd argument, don’t’ you think?

This reservation brouhaha is a scam implemented by hijacking the people emotionally. See the sense of priority of these politicians! The country is facing the highest level of inflation. Does anyone think that the women’s reservation will make things cheaper? 60% of the children suffer from malnutrition in India. Does the reservation for women change that? The country is facing threats from inside and outside. Does the reservation make the citizens safer? Corruption is endemic in almost all institutions but the government’s priority is not administrative reforms but reservation for women. Billions of dollars of ‘stolen’ wealth are lying in overseas bank accounts of politicians and other embezzlers but the government is not interested. From a national perspective, if the politicians are going after wrong priorities, they are not fit to represent the people. If they are doing it on intent, they are traitors. Do not let such politicians get away with the destruction of the national core so easily.

The simple fact is that the politicians do not care for the nation or are intellectually bankrupt. The UPA seems to have fooled every other party including the opposition. The parliament does have powers to make special laws for any ‘targeted’ group but it does NOT have powers to make amendments that change the ‘character’ of the constitution. Enforcing a fixed number of seats for one group (based on any consideration such as race, gender, religion, etc) is violative of the very ‘character’ of the constitution and hence the apex court if approached would annul the amendment. If the right thinking individuals don’t act now, there won’t be a nation as we know of anymore, to act from. People who value the integrity and above all survival of this ancient nation to grow into a powerful modern economy should act now. Let there be more people of Amrut G. Only that can protect India from the ignorant/indifferent/incompetent politicians. Just a thought! Cheers.

Anonymous,  March 12, 2010  

Amrut G is indeed right and similarly all right-thinking-citizens should submit a PIL- Public Interest Litigation (or NIL- National Interest Litigation), to The Supreme Court to get the constitutional amendment enabling women’s reservation bill annulled. The politicians can not be allowed to get away with destroying institutions after institutions with their, lazy, ill-conceived and often pernicious ‘bills’, without any concerns for the adverse consequences to the nation from such indiscriminate culture of reservation everywhere as a replacement for conducive developmental policies. Indian parliament is not their ancestral property to apportion among their interest groups and/or vote banks. None of the responses provided here to the very cogent queries from Amrut G, can persuade anyone who understands the political realities of India. Just because women do not take any interest in politics, do you think reservation is the least costly solution? Even if women as a group, is doing it tough, reservation to the parliament can not be justified as a remedy. If that is the case what is next? Just because 60% of the children suffer from malnutrition in India even after 60 years of independence, do you justify giving 20% reservation to children in all law making bodies will solve that? Or to get the insurgents to the mainstream of democratic process, do you justify 10% reservation for them in the parliament? If not, this bill to reserve seats for women to get them into the politician mainstream is also an absurd argument, don’t’ you think?

This reservation brouhaha is a scam implemented by hijacking the people emotionally. See the sense of priority of these politicians! The country is facing the highest level of inflation. Does anyone think that the women’s reservation will make things cheaper? 60% of the children suffer from malnutrition in India. Does the reservation for women change that? The country is facing threats from inside and outside. Does the reservation make the citizens safer? Corruption is endemic in almost all institutions but the government’s priority is not administrative reforms but reservation for women. Billions of dollars of ‘stolen’ wealth are lying in overseas bank accounts of politicians and other embezzlers but the government is not interested. From a national perspective, if the politicians are going after wrong priorities, they are not fit to represent the people. If they are doing it on intent, they are traitors. Do not let such politicians get away with the destruction of the national core so easily.

The simple fact is that the politicians do not care for the nation or are intellectually bankrupt. The UPA seems to have fooled every other party including the opposition. The parliament does have powers to make special laws for any ‘targeted’ group but it does NOT have powers to make amendments that change the ‘character’ of the constitution. Enforcing a fixed number of seats for one group (based on any consideration such as race, gender, religion, etc) is violative of the very ‘character’ of the constitution and hence the apex court if approached would annul the amendment. If the right thinking individuals don’t act now, there won’t be a nation as we know of anymore, to act from. People who value the integrity and above all survival of this ancient nation to grow into a powerful modern economy should act now. Let there be more people of Amrut G. Only that can protect India from the ignorant/indifferent/incompetent politicians. Just a thought! Cheers.

Ravindra Merthi March 12, 2010  

Claps for both of you Amrut G and Anonymous
Both are genius.
I personally believe that Reservation in any form is a kind of Discrimination.

Because someone belongs to a specific cast so his/her IQ Level is lower than the so called Upper Caste and so he/she requires a less %of marks in that exam.

One of the ridicules thing....R we really equal????

Supreme Court should remove EQUALITY from the PREAMBLE of our constitution.

sm,  March 12, 2010  

We are here discussing about Reservation of member of parliament , this will affect the law making capacity of parliament,
we are not discussing reservation for jobs and education ,
so please do not mix them up.

sm,  March 12, 2010  

Please write down the bad effects of women reservation in India and then oppose it
just for the sake of opposing do not oppose it
what are the disadvantage of women reservation bill you know, please let me know them .


sm,  March 12, 2010  

Let me answer please does your mother and sister take part in interest ?
Does your family watch political news ?
Do you discuss politics with your mother and sister ?

sm,  March 12, 2010  

Learn to think in correct ways, and correct direction.
I think you still do not know the reality of India.
Just try to spend a day in just 20 or 40 Rupees. and then talk about reservation.
Send your kids to the school which is held under tree.
Then tell them to compete with the boys who are studying in air condition schools.

sm,  March 12, 2010  

Just compared IQ
just the fun in your language.
Be careful when you will make the fun of poverty

Ravindra Merthi March 12, 2010  

PARDON ME but if my remarks seems to be offensive.

NOTE : Bold statements are made by my fellow sm.

so please do not mix them up
you endorsed the Reservation of member of parliament. This is how the history makes. Since now their is a reservation that'swhy some politician demand the specific quota inside that. This is because they know it favours their party to make string base in their own vote-bank.
If their is no reservation then why they ask.....are they????

And why there is a Women Reservation Bill
because they already know its a way to make fool of average Indian by feeding them the drops of so-called Reservation.

bad effects of women reservation in India

oh, common you really don't know!!!!!

first-of-all we still have women representatives in all assemblies and Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. We select them because they are capable to do that work for which we select those not because she is a woman and he is a man.

I guess you are so sure that these womens are in Lok Sabha and State Assemblies represents the whole Women community of Indian soil.

Is there any procedure defined that these womens don't come from specific political families instead they are from every walk of life or background?

How one gets ticket by his/her party...do you know about that???

Those who get tickets depends upon the caste and religion equation of that region not because a seat is reserved for a women then only the most suitable women candidate is selected by the people. So how women empowered and in what manner?

Suppose there are 33% womens then so??
Any constitutional reform is adopted only by the procedures defined in itself which depends upon the favouring of both members not just gender basis. so how they pass any New Law/ Bill/ Amendment in our constitution by just their female supporters?

We already have tough laws against any kind-of-crime against women.
What is the result? you know it better as you mention in your post.

I know i am a mediocre and still i dont get it that by reserving 33% seats in Assemblies how womens empower their community.

May be they are going door-to-door and telling that ladies see us. What we are now? You can make this also. In this manner our mothers and sisters discuss politics at home. So ultimately they empowered. great.

btw by just discussing a thing like politics how can one makes itself empower if they cant act positively for the whole society or for their own.

How many families knows about RTI?
How many knows about GM crops?
How many knows about all the constitutional laws to protect womens rights?

And those who know how many have times to discuss about that and still if they discuss then it means not that they get benefitted by that???

I guess that if one's mother and sister discuss about politics at home so either they or their male member making big in Politics?????


Do you know about Bihar's Super 30.
search for that then you know that instead of providing them reservation as a wheel-chair they needs guidance in a proper way then they can make big and compete with anyone.

We have personalities those hails from the disadvantaged group and make big.

We have IAS's belong from the street-vendors and vegetable stalls family. They have no reservation benefit even they are not crying for reservation.

AFAIK if your IQ is low then no matter you belong from which background mind it i am talking about any background we are not going to select you for a job which demands high calibre.

How can a person handle an organization if he had not potential for that?

btw i am curious to see the so-called-transformation in the form of women-reservation.

A revolutionary one...

my regards for you.

BK Chowla, March 12, 2010  

In my opinion,it was most undemocratic to restrict my choice of voting for my candidate.

sm,  March 13, 2010  

Please read the reservation policy from 1951 or before that no one ever mentioned about the IQ.

Our caste system is not based on IQ but low class people are low class because they are born from the leg of god or something like that.

So when you compare about IQ. you are totally wrong.

Now in west they are talking about emotional IQ.
not intelligence IQ.

I do not know about my IQ but you may know about your IQ.

I am thinking is it intelligence to compare IQ with reservation or Foolishness to compare it ?

sm,  March 13, 2010  

as you said about democracy, to be honest say it
in reality do we got any choice to select.
what if i do not like any candidate.
do i got right to reject him, yes we got negative voting but its powerless concept.
Yes you are right its will take your chance, to vote for the male candidate, but for one election only, for experiment and for the betterment of India we Indians have to take this chance.

sm,  March 13, 2010  

As you have ask me this question this is the answer .
Following are the qualifications to get the election ticket

1. Should be rich person
2. should have criminal background
3. should be ready to fight on street
4. A female will get ticket only if she is daughter or sister or wife of politician
5. A male and female will get the ticket he or she is movie star.

This type of candidates get the tickets .
The honesty does not matter .

sm,  March 13, 2010  

Supreme Court should remove EQUALITY from the PREAMBLE of our constitution.

Please update the knowledge and come out from the myth.
Please meet the any lawyer and he will tell that
Supreme Court of India does not have this power and right.
Supreme Court of India can only give suggestions and work as the per constitution of India made by the elected politicians.
Supreme Court of India can not make laws , it has to test the law using the constitution of India and other laws made by the politicians of India.
Hope now this is clear and you will not demand such things from Supreme Court of India.

sm,  March 13, 2010  

This is the same average fool India I am asking you please tell the ways through which India will witness more than 75 percent voting in India .Please do not say about education as cities as well as villages have very less voting .After 26/11 also Bombay saw the lowest voting in elections .Bombay is city of education as well as finance. So what is reason average Indian does not go to vote?

sm,  March 13, 2010  

As you said about Rajya Sabha
Please update your knowledge about Rajya Sabha
Indians do not elect the Rajya Sabha members
In short I will write it down here.
The Rajya Sabha (meaning the "Council of States") is the upper house of the Parliament of India.
Membership is limited to 250 members, 12 of whom are chosen by the President of India for their expertise in specific fields of art, literature, science, and social services.
These members are known as nominated members.
The remainder of the body is elected by state and territorial legislatures.
Terms of office are for six years, with one third of the members retiring every two years.

For more information please read the following post



SM March 13, 2010  

Just answer me question.
Do you know king Shivaji and Mother Jija Bai?
What was the qualification of his mother?
Why she is given credit for the success of king Shivaji ?

sm,  March 13, 2010  

Why Indians are not ready to vote in elections?
How many mothers and families in India thinking to make her son or daughter a politician?
If answer is no what is the reason no one is ready to take part in election?
What is reason highly educated persons when stand in elections, they are defeated by someone who is criminal or uneducated?
Do you think Indians know everything about politics?

The truth is Majority Indians do not understand the politics.
Majority Indians do not know about constitution, our laws and our official language.

Majority Indians prefer to stay away from the politics?

So what is the solution to bring them in the politics?

sm,  March 13, 2010  

Please update your knowledge about IAS and IPS
Without their help , corruption in India is not possible for politicians.

sm,  March 13, 2010  

Reasoning based on the wrong knowledge is always wrong

Anonymous,  March 13, 2010  

At the outset, let me thank the blog owner, sm, for this opportunity to pen my thoughts here and applaud the commendable efforts to painstakingly respond to each and every post. My apologies too, for the few typos that occurred in my post above.

What is wrong with the women’s reservation bill? It would have been easier to list what is right had it got any. In general, reservation as a tool for social empowerment is lazy, ill-conceived and can even be dangerous for the long term. Reservation in education is ‘first-aid’, reservation in jobs dangerous but reservation in parliament is suicidal. But let me concentrate to list what is wrong with the women’s reservation in parliament as proposed by the constitution amendment. My apologies if the post is too long 

In brief, the women’s reservation as introduced currently is a scam. It does not empower women but enfeeble the most vital democratic institution, namely the parliament. Why?

Constitutional impropriety: The founding fathers of the constitution did not envisage a ‘proportional’ representation but representation of the people on the basis of population as a whole without any consideration for their cast, creed or gender. To provide proportional reservation on the basis that women account for about 50% of the electorate is to change the character of the constitution and hence it is ‘ultra vires’ or beyond the power of the parliament. In the alternative if it is argued that the structure of the parliament is not altered but only grouped a set of seats exclusively for women, then such an amendment is violative of the principle of equality and hence still unconstitutional. This alone should close the arguments in favour of the bill but there are more ;-0)

Logical impropriety: Women have advanced a lot in terms of their status in the society and much more need to be achieved. But by any stretch of imagination, women of today can’t be deemed worse of than the women of 1947. So, when the founding fathers of the constitution did not see it fit to provide proportional reservation for women then, it can not logical to argue for such now after 60 years. If the argument is that the reservation is to attract more women to the democratic process, would you support the same argument to attract the Maoist insurgents into the democratic path from their current approach of violence?

Moral impropriety: One can not apportion something that does not belong to them. If it belongs to another full consent and participation of the owner should be a prerequisite before any such action. The parliament is the property of the whole nation and it can not be apportioned in any fashion other than through due process and procedures articulated in the constitution.

Ethical impropriety: Elected members have act in the national interest and any action in self interest is unethical. Not only that the actions have to be ethical, they have to appear as ethical as well. While persuading RJD chief to support the bill, media clips established that the UPA chair person said, “You have 7 daughters and hence you should support this bill”. If the main architect of the bill openly admits that it should be supported for self-interest, the question whether or not it has any other side interest does not arise in ascertaining its unethical status. Besides the fact is that the bill itself is unconstitutional as explained above.

Economic impropriety: While attaching the highest priority for this unconstitutional bill, which will eventually be knocked out on legal challenge, the UPA proved its poor management ability and consequently delayed or diminished economic productivity from other more important legislations waiting to be introduced, debated and enacted.

Cost-benefit impropriety: An amendment to the constitution is the costliest option in terms of procedures, protocols and management and many other NGOs working for real empowerment of women have demonstrated that it was for the political parties to do it on their own without any wastage of parliament resources.

To be continued below....

Anonymous,  March 13, 2010  

Structural impropriety: The structure of the bill is unambiguous at best. None of the media reports highlighted what is the specific measurable objective of the bill, how that will be measured, what is the benchmark against it will be compared to assess the success/failure of the bill, etc. The only objective touted out is the ‘empowerment of women’ slogan, which is at best vague and does not qualify to be a professional job with proper structure as expected from the highest law makers of this land. We do not know how it will be managed, what is the improvements expected over the years, when it will be measured and what happens after 15 years.

Procedural impropriety: Though technically it was allowed, the bill was first introduced in the RS where it does not have any bearing and if the LS rejected it eventually, the RS time is wasted.

Practical impropriety: Do the political parties practice what they preach? If the UPA or any other political part were so interested in women’s empowerment and ‘really’ believed that it could be achieved by making it easier for more women to enter parliament, none of them seems to have made any efforts to bring women into their administrative structure either formally or informally before articulating such reservation at the law making halls.

Strategic impropriety: Rather than hoping for the best, no credible risk analysis of the proposed bill, their implications, mitigation plans etc, were published, no debates seem to have conducted or transparent records made available to the public to comment upon.

The list can go on and on. In short, it is a con job to fool the naïve women of this country along with anyone who cares for the women’s advancement. If something walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck, it more likely that it is indeed a duck.

To be continued below...

Anonymous,  March 13, 2010  

Continued from above…

The owner of the blog said, “With women reservation bill nothing bad is going to happen, because currently nothing good is happening.” Forgive me but such thinking is defeatist to put it mildly. ‘Currently nothing good is happening’ may be an expression of frustration but to say that ‘with women’s reservation bill nothing bad is going to happen’ is dereliction of one’s own responsibility to study, analyse and decide on the merits. See what all can go wrong if the bill were implemented.

1. The most corrupted politicians or those who can not contest elections on legal grounds will put their wife/sister/daughter as a proxy and the corruption will be all the more difficult to trace and hence control.
2. Even those who may be reluctance to be venal can safely do all sorts of shady deal behind the scenes if they can find a convenience proxy in a woman.
3. Women are more unlikely to stand up against the system fearing the ensuing conflicts and chaos. That is not good for a democracy where people of impeccable credentials should take on with issues courageously and steadfastly.
4. 182 seats on rotation bring uncertainty and not the sort of stability required for efficient functioning of the parliament/assemblies.
5. The bill may create a loyal set of followers than women of substance and leadership that the nation should try to develop.

The last point is far more serious that it might look. Just to make the pernicious nature of the bill clearer, let us bring the nuclear agreement that India signed with the US into the discussion as an example. The UPA government was hell bent on signing the deal in secrecy. It was the relentless campaign by intellectuals like Dr. Brahma Chellany, Mr. Arun Shourie and pressure (though on vested interests but nevertheless courageous) from the MPs on both sides that helped to ward of the pressure from the US. It is really at a boarder line even now in terms of protecting India’s sovereign interests. Any slip on the part of Indian leaders or a blink can pull it back to disastrous consequences. Mind you with all the brouhaha the US has not implemented the deal yet. Can you expect a parliament with 182 average-mum-type legislatures to understand the intricacies of international agreements? The context, meanings and subtleties can give a totally different and even erroneous sense of hope in translation of the original text. If the women who reach the parliament have the ability to read, study, analyse and determine the merits or otherwise, they are empowered without the reservation. Then what is the reservation for? If the people are not competent to safeguard India’s national interest, then can the citizens afford to take such risk? One will not comprehend the value of liberty and independence so long as he/she is free. Any false step can lead this country to another 500 years of slavery. One has to guard against any encroachment on the basic freedoms and rights won by our forefathers at great personal sacrifices.

To be continued below...

Anonymous,  March 13, 2010  

Continued from above….

Now let us look at reservation in education and jobs. Why did it fail as a policy of empowerment? Mainly as said before it was only a first aid. A critical patient will more likely to die unless transferred to intensive care after the first aid.

There was reservation in education. But there was no support for the ‘disadvantaged’ to catch up with the privileged. This often produced drop outs or those who managed to come out, did so barely and with the minimum level of skills. One can not address centuries of alienation by a mere privilege unless backed by conscious support through out. That was envisaged by our founding fathers but totally ignored or overlooked by the later ruling class.

That led to the same disadvantaged group with paper qualifications but unemployable skill set. Then the reservation policy was once again applied and the whole system became mediocre where ever the effect was felt. So, it was dangerous. This reservation was to apply band-aid again when infection has gone deeper. Without intensive care, the patient will only die once again.

Now, the government wants to apply reservation once gain but the representation level. This is like applying band-aid again on the dead body. It does not require a rocket scientist to surmise that you can not expect any different result after 15 years, except that this time the parliament as an institution of democracy would have weakened to a level that external threats may easily challenge the stability of India as a nation. Does anyone long for such a fate knowingly?

To be continued below...

Anonymous,  March 13, 2010  

Continued from above….

Is it completely hopeless? Absolutely NOT!

Let us not forget that the voter is the ultimate in a democracy and politicians are just representing your interest at the parliament for your benefit. This is in theory. How will you take your control back and make the politician perform, deliver and behave?

First and foremost you have to realise your strength. Understand that there is strength in numbers. There are about 400 million+ young, talented and enthusiastic Indians who not only dream big but have the audacity to take the risks to make their dreams come true. This includes engineers, doctors, scientists, lawyers, accountants, students, business people and they care a dam for your background, creed, gender, caste etc. they are the future of this nation and when they realise their power within, no politician can play game by offering lollypops of reservation. Connect with them.

They are internet savvy. 100 million of them have broadband connection, about 20 million use dial-up connections, the rest access internet at work, school, college, university, internet kiosks, etc. Reach out.

But first, wake up from your slumber that politicians will give your destiny on a platter. They are there to enhance their self-interests. That is exactly your trump. Put them on notice that you have taken control of your destiny and thereby that of the nation from today onwards. I trust the open letter in this forum will help you do that. You are not a slave of circumstances or the political games that the unscrupulous politicians play. You are limited only by your imaginations. You realise that the politicians are there because you elected them to do your bidding, i.e., to provide you a country that has opportunities. If the politicians are not performing, you will change them. If you have convinced yourself that you can influence the destiny of this nation thus collectively, pass the message around. You are free to send the open letter in this forum to all your friends, relatives and other contacts. Tell them to pass it on. Thus let us reach those entire 400 million plus in the next couple of months. Please don’t get me wrong. I am not asking you to spam indiscriminately. But the internet is a powerful tool to campaign for your future and present rights. Use it diligently and intelligently.

Side by side, get a special leave petition to the Supreme Court ready to conduct a PIL/NIL seeking annulment of any amendment of the kind just in case the politicians do not see reason.

Not but the least, good luck. This is the right time to wage our second war for independence. This time however, it is against our own fears and feelings of insufficiency. Wake up, be vigilant and do not rest until the India of your dreams dawns. May God be with you all! Cheers.

P.S. A sincere ‘thank you’ for the blog owner for channelling the thoughts too! Keep up the good work.


sm,  March 13, 2010  

thank you for reply
after reading your comment and explanation
again i will write one article which will take you to reality of India and Indian law.
and constitution and reservation.

Anonymous,  March 14, 2010  

Reality of India, Indian law, constitution and reservation.

Please do not get me wrong. I am not against empowering the disadvantaged. I am all for it. But I can not reconcile making everyone disadvantaged in the process. Can you?
There have been centuries of oppression to many sections of the Indian society including women. No question about it. There has to be a level playing field for every citizen in a democratic nation. There may not be any second opinion about it either.

Then why do you oppose reservation? Because, reservation by itself does not deliver equality of opportunities! Look at the elite students of India’s premier technical institutes who ended up in the USA 50 years ago as pariahs! How did they cope? Did they demand reservations or fight the system with their talents? And how could they come up? Only because the US system was essentially democratic despite strong undercurrents of racism! Why not read Mr. Kanwal Rekhi’s account of his path to riches in the US? Or take stories closer to home. Fifty years ago, Muslims and Christians were kept away from government jobs in Kerala (perhaps the most developed state socially in India) by the powerful and rich upper caste Hindus. What did the victims do? They went into trade and business. Now, do you know that majority of the wealth in Kerala is with those once victimised group? If you take any nationally recognisable Keralite, more than half would be from any of those two demographics.

So, what is the lesson? Give opportunities and not create dependents. Reservation created dependent perennial victims and not winners, so much so that every other demographics is asking for reservation under one pretext or the other. Our politicians are more than happy to oblige? Why? They know ultimately they are the winners and not the beneficiaries of the cake!

Politics in India is really rotten. The owner of this blog and Amrut has painstakingly listed some of the biting reality with the politicians. There is virtually no opposition. BJP is a headless ‘chicken’, made headless by infighting thus rendering itself useless to the nation. It may be harmless too till a fascist leader emerges at the connivance of fanatic elements or in response to fanatic elements outside. In either case there is nothing to celebrate at least for the present. In contrast, the UPA is a head without a body but innumerable tails. It carefully cultivates its abundant supply of faithful tails to wag at its cheer leaders. The women’s reservation may also be an attempt in disguise to create more tails as the UPA has planted a pliant person at the office of the President who will sign anything that is placed in front of her. Another admirer of the chair person of the UPA has been very carefully placed as the CEC. Now what is the guarantee that a revolving set of placeholders are not created at the parliament and assemblies when there were a lot of far more efficient programs available to empower women? Another flagship program NREGS is a lemon. It has already wasted 85% of what is being spent on it according to the comptroller and auditor; still the UPA wants to spread it all over India and not a single soul, including an economist PM is standing up against such grand wastage of public money. The heir apparent claims to have a post graduate degree in ‘developmental economics’ from a premier overseas institution. If this is what he learned from there he can comfortably claim his tuition fees back under the consumer guarantee of that country.

To be continued below...

Anonymous,  March 14, 2010  

Continued from above….

The bureaucracy may equally be corrupted. But let us not deny the fact despite such a bund, India ahs made some really good progress within the last 60 years after independence. That means that there are a lot of dedicated, honest and optimistic people of the highest calibre, integrity and patriotism within the ‘system’ still, without whom the system would have collapsed. This applies equally to all the pillars of democracy.

Judiciary was so far and still is the last hope of the citizens. Indian justice system is fashioned similar to that of the British. The judiciary does not have any oversight responsibilities over the other two arms, namely the legislature and executive. But it does have sufficient powers to review their actions, normally on request by concerned or affected citizens but on rare of the rarest occasions ‘suo motu’ or on its own. The parliament is expected to come up with plans, policies and programs proactively to take the nation in the right path in compliance with the constitution, the executive is expected to implement them once again under the guidelines of the constitution and the judiciary is expected to interpret the enactments of the legislature and decisions of the executive and to check whether nay of them violated the letter and spirit of the constitution, which supreme and not any of the arms by which it manifests. The owner of the blog is correct that the SC can not change the constitution; nor the legislature! That is the reality.

Then how did the legislature get away with 100 or more amendments to the constitution with in the last 60 years? As someone commented, it was more than the number of toothbrushes an average person of 60 years of age changed so far! The answer is simple. Some of the changes may have been legitimate or for genuine consideration of equity such as the reservation of seats for SC/ST however ill-conceived. The rest are out of the apathy of the intellectuals or who understands the intricacies of the legal system. The SC can not and will not act on its own unless and until the issue were of such a grave impact to the survival of the system. Indian philosophy is very forgiving. Still, the justice system may be the only arm that is not as corrupted as the other two.

So, all is not lost. Do not fall in despair or despondency. You don’t have to join any political stream or get into the parliament to change the system for better. Just realise the power within and use that to change oneself to take more responsibility in own affairs and transcend the concept of ‘self’ beyond the narrow boundaries of caste, creed, language, region, language, gender etc. Once this is possible, we are ready to create the reality that we are destined for.


sm,  March 14, 2010  


Anonymous,  March 15, 2010  

You are welcome, sm! Kindly do not feel that I have commandeered your blog space. I wouldn’t. Trust me!

Now let me try to answer your question whether I knew Chatrapati Shivaji. Who will not know about him? In my childhood, I used to refuse sleeping on a bed and sleep on hard floor emulating his physical training in which he used to sleep on hard rocks to keep fit! Anyone who would have read ‘Amar Chitra Katha’ in his childhood would have felt similar adulation for Shivaji, don’t you think? After learning his epic battles against the mogul empire in history classes, who would not have worshipped him as a hero?

Why did he choose to fight rather than working for the empire as his father did? If at all anything, his mother like many others today would have imparted a sense of purpose and a value system that is based on the traditional ‘righteous’ principles. Our value system tells us to treat the other person as you would like to be treated (‘sama’ in Sanskrit) even if that person happens to be your enemy. If that does not change him/her, share what you have with him/her, i.e., ‘dana’ in Sanskrit. Still, the enemy is pestering you, try to ignore or move out of his/her vicinity, i.e., ‘bheda’ in Sanskrit. Only when all these fail, one is ‘allowed’ to use force and punish (i.e., ‘danda’ in Sanskrit) the enemy. Then it wouldn’t be righteous for a warrior to withdraw and indulge in self-interests.

The great Shivaji did not fight for his comforts. As a kshatriya it was his ‘duty’ to fight for the protection of his people. He did that. His father also followed the path of dharma as much as he was expected to. In today’s world we do not have the four ‘varnas’ and hence the responsibility of protecting falls on each of us.

Incidentally, nowhere in the Vedic literature it is said that the varna system was ‘rankist’; nor does it say that the lower caste comes from the leg. It only says that the Brahmin is the mouth/face, kshatriya the two arms, vaisya the thighs and the fourth as the legs/feet and is a figure of speech to demonstrate that the society owes its stability and progress to all four together. If it is of any comfort, Lord Vishnu entered the feet of the cosmic ‘puruha’ in its inception to breath life. The Sanskrit word for the fourth varna means one who nourishes or comforts another! If I may use an analogy, when light passes through a prism, it splits into various colours, right? Varna is the Sanskrit word for colour and colour itself originated from the Sanskrit word ‘kula’. Now, does anyone attach any ‘rank’ among the seven colours of the spectrum? When one uses the word ‘upper’ and ‘lower’ at least in Sanskrit while referring to the varna it is not the rank but order very much in case of the light spectrum. Just imagine the ‘samsara’ as a prism that allows the cosmic purusha to split into four varna and there should not be any superiority and/or inferiority, because ‘janmana jayate shudra samscaradyujamuchyate’, meaning roughly (and in a politically correct fashion), every one is born equal and the refinement takes one forward. Every life form whether animate or inanimate is just the expression of the divine will according to the Vedic philosophy. So, do not feel inferior/superior in any case. Rejoice!

To come back to Shivaji, Indian belief system is that the life is a continuum in which one takes multiple lives to complete his/her desires. Many of us may be reincarnation of many of our fore fathers, taken life again to create an India of their dreams. So do not waste any moment. Wake up, take responsibility of your aspirations and do not rest until your ‘righteous’ mission is complete.

Shivaji can thus enliven in each one of us. On this occasion of ‘Gudhi Padwa’, let the ‘gudhi’ that we raise tomorrow symbolise our deep commitment to rise above all ‘negativities’ and work towards our future together. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Ravindra Merthi March 15, 2010  

Thanked for you, Anonymous.
I could not find this knowledge anywhere else.
I am a fool :)

But still i am saying

My Regards for You.

Ravindra Merthi March 15, 2010  

@Anonymous: I don't know that whether you had copyright your views or not but i copied your all responses from here.
May i use those in my essay without giving credit to you?

Essay title "WOMEN'S RESERVATION : A Boon or Bane" expected in one of the coveted exam.

Anonymous,  March 15, 2010  

Dear Ravindra Merthi,

Please accept it with with my compliments. I did not bring anything with me when I came to this world; nor will I be able to take any copyright with me when I move on to other worlds. What I was able to write was God, the almighty's gift to me and it so happened that it came out of me. It could have been anyone else. Other than that I do not have any copy right. But at some time in my life's evening days I might write it down once again for more readers, if God directs me to, that's all.

Please use it by all means but wisely and also spread the news. We have a long way to go before we make our dreams come true. Good luck and best wishes from a fellow travellor.

sm,  March 16, 2010  

Ravindra Merthi,
visited your site, still you have not posted the article regarding women reservation bill.
Let me know when you post it.

Ravindra Merthi March 16, 2010  

@Anonymous: You are so so much polite.
Your philosophical explanations of worldly affairs are just amazing.
I pray that we had teachers like you on different phases of life.
Three claps for you.

Ravindra Merthi March 16, 2010  

@sm: when i said that?
btw i am converting my so-called wrong knowledge into right knowledge by mugging Our Constitution By Subhash Kashyap.
Also i am analyzing the psychology of some well-known political leaders like Sheila Dixit, Mayawati, Vasundhara Raje, Jayalalitha....that they all are on top in their states as-well-as in their parties.

Without the support of this bill they still achieve that....how?

And if they can then why not others or others are different?

sm,  March 16, 2010  

Ravindra Merthi, March 15, 2010

@Anonymous: I don't know that whether you had copyright your views or not but i copied your all responses from here.
May i use those in my essay without giving credit to you?

Essay title "WOMEN'S RESERVATION : A Boon or Bane" expected in one of the coveted exam.

This is the comment which you have posted so i thought you are writing one article on women reservation and ask you about that.

Ravindra Merthi March 17, 2010  


Essay is not a synonym to Post

btw i also mention ....expected in one of the coveted exam
publishing post is not an exam:)

Anonymous,  March 17, 2010  

Thank you, Ravindra Merthi.

You have been very kind. I am a student too but of various topics of interests and perhaps eternally.

Good luck with your Civil Services Exams.


sm,  March 18, 2010  


sm,  March 18, 2010  

Ravindra Merthi,

abc,  April 30, 2010  

gr8 article gr8 debate.i would like to add one thing why jijabai had such good knowledge abt dharma,coz she had knowledge abt our culture & shastras as ramayana & MAHABHARATRA.Now these subjects are so called communal.see these are not just for hindus ,they are for a good ,peaceful social life & good personal life.i know this is not related to women reservation bill but what i want to say is that why ppl don't have proper knowledge of politics or national problems & why women can't think about these topics.because we have forgotten basic rules for a good life & a good social life. and the duties of the ruler.and many of us find ourselves intelligent while talking ant so called entertainment & sports.still it's really gr8 that some ppl are seriously discussing here. thaks all of u.

Anonymous,  October 10, 2011  

OMG that is extraordinary! I admire your work! Guess I am not as contemporaneous as your regular fans! I swear I have fallen in love with your blog... Incredible writing! You're an amazingly talented person, keep up the individuality :)