04 April 2010

The Impact of Right to Education Act – Mayawati says No money for RTE –

The Impact of Right to Education Act – Mayawati says No money for RTE –

Reality Views by sm -

Before this law was made, and amendment was made, many people said that this law got the problems; this law is not perfect and criticizes it.
But now after passing of this law, we can see the real face of our Politicians,

Chief Minister Mayawati is the first one saying that her government and state does not have money for the right to education expenditure.
This way all the politicians and chief ministers very slowly will come into open and the poor population who votes for them will realize and know the character of their politicians.
To implement the Right to education act Utter Pradesh Government will need
Rs 18,000 crore in one year, of which 45 percent that is Rs 8,000 crore--have to be arranged by the state.
Chief Minister Mayawati has said that state does not have Rs 8,000 crore for the education of children.
If the right to education act is implemented in the Uttar Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh will need new 4,596 new primary and 2,349 upper primary schools and with this 3.25 lakh teachers would be required in primary schools.
3.25 Lakh New Jobs will be created in the State of Uttar Pradesh. Besides 67,000 new regular and 44,000 part-time teachers would be required in upper primary schools
Mayawati and Utter Pradesh Government got the funds to build the parks, statues and monuments but did not have funds for the Education.
To protect these monuments Mayawati, Utter Pradesh Government has decided to create special zone security force within one month with a huge expenditure of nearly Rs 10,000 crore.
The annual expenditure on the force was expected to be around Rs 8 crore.

Is it not the duty of the Police officers and police department of UP to protect the property of state? so why again one more force ?

Does it mean that Uttar Pradesh police department is not capable to protect the property of state ?

Baba Saheb the God of India also said that Education is the key to the success and these are the followers of Baba Saheb who build the gardens but are not ready to build the schools.

Uttar Pradesh’s budget is of the Rs.120, 000 crore. And do not have money, funds for the education and implementation of the Right to education act.

This is the real face of Indian politicians and government working.


Apanatva April 04, 2010  

education budget...............?
Naaaaa jjjjjjjeeeeeej..............
Statue budget jarooree hai jee.................. :)

thought provoking post.................
Its a pleasure to visit your blog...............Always...................

Kavita Saharia April 04, 2010  

Very sad and frustrating ...they care so much about statues and think nothing about the future of the country...our kids ...education is their right,but no one seems to care.

दिगम्बर नासवा April 04, 2010  

Indian politicians have different faces .. they use different face to fool different people ...

sm,  April 04, 2010  


sm,  April 04, 2010  

rightly said no one has time to think about future.

sm,  April 04, 2010  

दिगम्बर नासवा,
yes they got different faces with only one intention.

wido April 05, 2010  

its nice post...

sm,  April 05, 2010  


Insignia April 13, 2010  

Oh, if budget is allocated for education what happens to those poor statues!!!

sm,  April 19, 2010  


khan,  April 22, 2010  

Very sad and frustrating

aashna,  April 30, 2010  

great article..great way to go..

sm,  May 01, 2010  


Unknown May 15, 2010  

Rich Information .
Currently i live in australia , here the education is free and madatory. Thats the reason these countires are flourinshing. As india is a Karma Bhoomi , today if mayawathi implements the RTE in her next janma she will have a proper education , else she will have all the curses of the children who couldnt have education because of her.

sm,  May 15, 2010  

Lets hope our politicians understand this.