02 April 2010

Know How to Join Indian Air Force - Career Opportunities in IAF – Complete Details

Know How to Join Indian Air Force - Career Opportunities in IAF – Complete Details
Reality Views by sm -
Ever thought of, dream of working for the Indian Air Force.
Working in the Indian Air Force is about being in the middle of supersonic jets.

Know how to join Indian Air Force as an officer?

First Step - Checking Are you qualified to Join Indian Air force -
One can join the Indian Air Force in the flying, technical or the ground branches. Know the eligibility criteria for different branches and educational qualification below.
1. Intermediate (10+2)
2. Graduate
3. Engineer
4. Post Graduate

Physical Standards –
Physical fitness is one of the most important prerequisites for joining the Air Force.
Irrespective of the branch you are applying for, you must fulfil some basic physical standards. Listed below are some guidelines that identify the general physical requirements that are common for all candidates.
You must be in good physical and mental health and free from any disease/ disability, which is likely to interfere with efficient performance of duties.
There should be no evidence of weak constitution, bodily defects or overweight.
The height and weight standards for men and women differ.
Your chest should be well developed. The minimum range of expansion after full inspiration should be 5 cm.

• There should be no disease of bones and joints of the body.

• You should be free of any past history of mental breakdown or fits.

• Your hearing should be normal without any evidence of present or past disease of the ear, nose and throat.

• There should be no sign of functional or organic disease of the heart and blood vessels. Your blood pressure should also be normal.

• The muscles of the abdomen should be well developed without any enlargement of the liver or spleen. Any evidence of disease of internal organs of the abdomen can be a cause for rejection.

• An un-operated hernia can make you unfit for selection. If operated, this should have been done at least six months prior to the present examination and healing should be complete without any potential for recurrence.

• There should be no hydrocele, varicocele or piles. If operated for hydrocele and/or varicocele, this should have been done at least six months prior to the present examination and healing should be complete without any recurrence.

• Urine examination will be done and any abnormality, if detected, can be a cause for rejection.

• Any disease of the skin, which is likely to cause disability or disfigurement, will also be a cause for rejection.

• Vision will be tested. You must have good binocular vision. In case you have undergone or are detected to have undergone Radial Keratotomy, or any other procedure to improve the visual acuity, you will be permanently rejected.

• You should have sufficient number of natural and sound teeth. A minimum of 14 dental points will be acceptable. When 32 teeth are present, the total dental points are 22. You should not be suffering from severe pyorrhoea.

• The following are conditions pertaining to women that will entail rejection for all Air Force Duties:

• Acute or chronic pelvic infection
• Severe menorrhagia
• Severe dysmenorrhea
• Complete prolapse of uterus
• Pregnancy/ Amenorrhea
• Any other gynaecological condition, if so considered by the specialist.

Now Know in details the eligibility Criteria –

Intermediate (10+2) –

Eligibility Criteria
To join the NDA you need to fulfill the following requirements:
Age - 16 ½ to 19 years*
Nationality - Indian
Gender - This is applicable only to men.
Educational Qualifications - You should have passed your 10+2 with Physics and Mathematics. You can, however send us your application during your 10+2; provided you meet the eligibility criteria at the time of joining the Academy.

Graduate –
Candidates short-listed after the initial selection procedure, go through a rigorous training regimen at one of the Air Force training establishments. Thereafter, they are commissioned as officers and posted at any of the Air Force Stations.
As a graduate, you can fly into a challenging and rewarding career in the Air Force by applying for the suitable branch.
1. Flying Branch
2. Technical Branch
3. Ground Duty Branches

Know in Details about each branch –

1 - Flying Branch
You surely fly high after joining the Flying branch of the Indian Air Force. You are trained either as a Fighter pilot, or a Helicopter pilot, or a Transport pilot and are a part of various peace and wartime missions.
As a graduate, you enter the Flying branch through the Air Force Academy.

The following are the three modes of entry for engineers to join the Flying branch:

Combined Defence Services Examination (CDSE)
You can take the Combined Defence Services Examination (written test conducted by UPSC) to join the Flying branch of the Indian Air Force. Men can join the Air Force through this mode of entry and will be given a Permanent Commission.
For applying through any of the entry points mentioned above, you must fulfill the following eligibility criteria:
Age - 19 to 23 years*
Marital Status – Single
Nationality - Indian
Gender - for men only.
Educational Qualifications -
1. Any Graduate (Three Year Course)/ BE / B Tech (Four Year Course) with Physics and Mathematics at 10+2 level.
2. Final Year students can also apply, provided they do not have any backlog.
3. No Percentage Bar for CDSE entry.
Advertisement Schedule: April and September Every Year

National Cadet Corps Special Entry (Through CO NCC Unit / DG NCC)
As an Air Wing Senior division 'C' Certificate holder of the National Cadet Corps, you can apply to the Flying branch of the Indian Air Force. Men can join the Air Force through this mode of entry and will be given a Permanent Commission.
For applying through any of the entry points mentioned above, you must fulfill the following eligibility criteria:
Age - 19 to 23 years*
Marital Status - Single
Nationality - Indian
Gender - for men only.
Educational Qualifications -
1. Any Graduate Degree ( Three year Course)/ BE / B Tech ( Four Year Course) with minimum 60 % marks in Aggregate in all papers put together in Graduation with Physics and Mathematics at 10+2 level.
2. Final Year students can also apply, provided they do not have any backlog and min 60 % aggregate marks in the previous year/ semester.
3. NCC Air Wing Senior Division 'C' certificate.
Advertisement Schedule: April and October Every Year

Flying (Pilot) Short Service Commission (For Men & women) with Term of Engagement of 14 Years with no further extension
Both men and women are eligible to apply for short service commission in the flying branch. ” Short Service Commission in flying branch is for 14 years with no further extension.

For applying through any of the entry points mentioned above, you must fulfill the following eligibility criteria:
Age - 19 to 23 years*
Marital Status - Single
Nationality - Indian
Gender - This is applicable to both men and women.
Educational Qualifications -
1. Any Graduate Degree ( Three year Course)/ BE / B Tech ( Four Year Course) with minimum 60 % marks in Aggregate in all papers put together in Graduation with Physics and Mathematics at 10+2 level.
2. Final Year students can also apply, provided they do not have any backlog and min 60 % aggregate marks in the previous year/ semester.
3. Advertisement Schedule: March and September Every Year

2. Technical Branch -
As an officer in the Technical Branch, you propel and manage your team to ensure that the Indian Air Force remains airworthy. You can apply for any of the following streams through the Direct Entry Scheme.
Direct Entry Scheme - After you have completed your Engineering, you can join the Technical Branch through the Direct Entry Scheme. Both men and women can use this mode of entry to apply to the Indian Air Force.
Aeronautical Engineering (Electronics) – As an Aeronautical Engineer in the Electronics stream, you will be responsible for the communication and signals required on the Air Force station. You will also be in charge of the execution of preventive maintenance and servicing of aircraft. With further in-service training, you could also move to the repair and overhaul divisions of the Indian Air Force.
Aeronautical Engineering (Mechanical) –After you join the Indian Air Force as an Aeronautical Engineer in the Mechanical stream, you could be placed at a position that requires you to be involved with preventive maintenance and servicing of aircraft or of common user and specialist application vehicles. You could also be involved in the safety and maintenance of firearms and ammunition at an Air Force Base.
You can apply for the Technical Branch via any of the two schemes listed below:
Direct Entry Scheme –
After you have completed your engineering, you can join the Technical Branch through the Direct Entry Scheme. Both Men and Women can use this mode of entry to apply to the Indian Air Force.
University Entry Scheme (UES)
Direct Entry Scheme –
Aeronautical Engineering (Electronics) & Aeronautical Engineering (Mechanical) Permanent Commission (Men) / Short Service Commission (Men & Women)
Aeronautical Engineering (Electronics)
Permanent / Short Service Commission

As an Aeronautical Engineer in the Electronics stream, you will be responsible for the communication and signals required on the Air Force station. You will also be in charge of the execution of preventive maintenance and servicing of aircraft. With further in-service training, you could also move to the repair and overhaul divisions of the Indian Air Force.
To join the Aeronautical Engineering (Electronics) stream you must fulfill the following eligibility criteria:
• Age - 18 to 28 years*
• Marital Status – Single
• Nationality - Indian
• Gender - This is applicable to both men and women.
• Educational Qualification (Aeronautical Engineer – Electronics)
• Minimum 60% marks in aggregate in all papers put together in
• BE / B.Tech in Electronics / Telecommunication / Electrical / Communication / Electronics & Communication / Instrumentation / Information Technology /Computer Science & Engineering or a combination of these subjects.
• OR
• Diploma in Electronics of Madras Institute of Technology.
• OR
• B Tech in Radio Physics and Electronics / Optics and Opto Electronics.
• OR
• MSc Degree in Physics (With Electronics) / Electronics / Computer Science / Computer Applications
• OR
• MCA with Maths, Physics and Electronics at graduation level.
• OR
• MSc. Tech in Electronics and Radio Engineering
• OR
• Section A&B Examination of the Associate Membership Examination of the Institution of Engineers (India) in Electrical, Electronics or Telecommunication subjects
• OR
• Graduate Membership Examination of the Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers with subjects of Section A & full subjects of Section B by actual studies (Maths, Applied Electronics and Circuits, Principals of Communication Engineering, Transmission lines and Networks)
• OR
• Section A & B of Examination of Aeronautical Society of India by Actual Studies in Avionics / Communication streams

Aeronautical Engineering (Mechanical)
Permanent / Short Service Commission
After you join the Indian Air Force as an Aeronautical Engineer in the Mechanical stream, you could be placed at a position that requires you to be involved with preventive maintenance and servicing of aircraft or of common user and specialist application vehicles. You could also be involved in the safety and maintenance of firearms and ammunition at an Air Force Base.
To join the Aeronautical Engineering (Mechanical) stream, you must fulfil the following conditions:
• Age - 18 to 28 years*
• Marital Status - Single
• Nationality - Indian
• Gender - This is applicable to both men and women.
• Educational Qualification (Aeronautical Engineer-Mechanical)
• Minimum 60% marks in aggregate in all papers put together in
• BE / B.Tech in Aeronautical / Mechanical / Production / Industrial Production or a combination of these subjects
• OR
• Section A and B of Associate Membership Examination of Institution of Engineering (India) with Mechanical / Aeronautical subjects by actual studies
• OR
• Section A and B of Associate Membership Examination of the Aeronautical Society of India with Group I (Design and Production) or Group II (Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul) subjects by actual studies
• Advertisement Schedule: February and August Every Year
• At the time of commencement of training.
• University Entry Scheme (UES)
• Permanent Commission (For Male only)

• Educational Qualifications: The candidate must be currently studying in Pre-final year of BE / B Tech degree course in the relevant streams of engineering as mentioned above and must have secured minimum of 60% marks in aggregate unto the last semester for which results have been declared, at the time of applying / AFSB testing. There must be No backlog / arrears of papers of previous semesters. On completion of degree, minimum 60% of marks in aggregate are mandatory.

3 - Ground Duty Branches –
Managing human and material resources, the Ground Duty Branch is the mechanism that steers the Indian Air Force. There are numerous opportunities for both men and women to build a challenging career.
You can join as an officer in any of the following Ground Duty Branches:
• Administration Branch
• Accounts Branch
• Logistics Branch
• Education
• Metereology

Administration Branch –
• Short Service Commission
• If the Indian Air Force grants you the Short Service Commission, it means that you have been accepted in service for a period of ten years. Depending upon your performance, Air Force requirements and your inclination to continue, you can extend your tenure by five years.
• Thereafter, you can extend your tenure by another five years or retire at forty whichever comes first. The Short Service Commission is granted to both men and women.
• As an officer in the Administration Department, you will be responsible for the efficient management of both human and material resources. Some of the officers of the Administration Branch are selected to carry out the following duties also:

Air Traffic Controller
As Air Traffic Controller, your core responsibilities will involve maintaining an orderly flow of traffic and airspace management.

Fighter Controller
As Fighter Controller, you will be posted to an Air Defence radar unit and will be responsible for close contact and supervision between the air and radar for effective airspace management.

To join the Administration Branches, you must fulfil the following criteria:
• Age - 20 to 23 years* for Graduates, 20 to 25 years* for Post Graduates and 20 to 26 Years for Law Graduates (3 Years Course).
• Marital Status -- Single
• Nationality - Indian
• Gender - This is applicable to both men and women.
• Educational Qualifications - Any Graduate with minimum 60 % marks in aggregate in all papers put together OR Post Graduate Degree with minimum 50 % marks in aggregate in all papers put together in Arts / Science / Commerce / Management / Engineering or LLB . [For law graduates (three years course) the upper age is relaxed upto 26 years]

Accounts Branch
Permanent/Short Service Commission
As an officer in the Accounts Branch, you are responsible for efficient management of funds as well as disbursement of pay and allowances to Air Force personnel. You will also act as internal auditor to ensure a zero-defect audit from outside agencies.

You must fulfil the following criteria to be a part of the Accounts Branch:

• Age - 20 to 23 years* for Graduates, 20 to 25 years* for Post Graduates and 20 to 27 years for CA / ICWA.
• Marital Status - Single
• Nationality - Indian
• Gender - This is applicable to both men and women.
• Educational Qualifications - Graduate Degree in Commerce with minimum 60 % marks in aggregate in all papers put together.
• Or
• Post Graduate Degree in Commerce with minimum 50 % marks in aggregate in all papers put together.
• Or
• CA / ICWA with minimum 50% marks in aggregate in all papers put together after BCom / M Com.

Permanent/Short Service Commission
As an officer in the logistics department, you will undertake material management of all Air Force resources. From clothing to aircraft equipment, you will ensure efficient supervision of inventories and availability of necessary items to all operators and users.

To join material management team, you must fulfil the following criteria:

• Age - 20 to 23 years* for Graduates, 20 to 25 years* for Post Graduates and 20 to 26 Years for Law Graduates (3 Years Course).
• Marital Status - Single
• Nationality - Indian
• Gender - This is applicable to both men and women.
• Educational Qualifications -
• Any Graduate with minimum 60 % marks in aggregate in all papers put together OR Post Graduate Degree with minimum 50 % marks in aggregate in all papers put together in Arts / Science / Commerce / Management / Engineering or LLB . [For law graduates (three years course) the upper age is relaxed upto 26 years]
• Advertisement Schedule:
• March and September Every Year

Education Branch
Permanent/Short Service Commission

You can look forward to a fulfilling career as an officer in the Education Branch.

To join as an officer in the Education Branch you need to fulfil the following requirements:
• Age - 20 to 25 years* for Post Graduates and 20 to 27 For M Ed and Ph D.
• Marital Status - Single
• Nationality - Indian
• Gender - This is applicable to both Men and Women.
• Educational Qualifications-
• Post Graduate Degree with minimum 50 % marks in aggregate in English / Psychology / Defence Studies / Mathematics / Physics / Statistics / Computer Science / Management
• Or
• M Ed degree after PG in above stated subjects.
• Or
• Ph D in above stated subjects.

Meteorological Branch
Permanent/Short Service Commission

You can look forward to a fulfilling career as an officer in the Meteorology Branch. Handling the latest satellite imagery and state-of-the-art monitoring equipment, you would render specific advice to the operators on all aspects of weather.

To join as an officer in the Meteorological Branch you need to fulfil the following requirements:
• Age - 20 to 25 years*
• Marital Status - Single
• Nationality - Indian
• Gender - This is applicable to both Men and Women.
• Educational Qualifications -
• Post Graduate Degree with minimum 50 % marks in aggregate in Science / Geography / MCA (having passed Mathematics and Physics at Graduation Level).

Now as we know that what is educational qualification required to join Indian Air force now know the most important 4 steps procedure to join the Indian Air Force .

Know the Indian Air Force Selection Procedure –
There are total 4 steps. You can be a part of Air Force family going through this process and proving your mettle

Step 1 – Scrutiny of Applications
Step 2 – Testing Officer Like Qualities
Step 3 – Conducting of Medical Examinations
Step 4 – Preparing All India Merit List

Now the first question is How to send the application?

The procedure for sending application is fairly simple.
The first stage is to watch out for the advertisement inviting applications in the leading newspapers and the Employment News.
After you spot the relevant ad, you send your application in the format mentioned in the advertisement, before the last date of receiving of application.

Then you will go through the 4 step selection procedure.

Step 1 – Scrutiny of Applications –

The selection procedure begins immediately after you send your application forms
All application forms are first checked for eligibility
After which you will receive a call letter with further instructions.
If seek entry into the Flying Branch through the NDA or CDSE, your applications need to be sent to UPSC, New Delhi.
UPSC conducts a written test twice a year in April & August (NDA)
And April & September (CDSE).
Advertisements for the examinations are released about six months in advance. Qualifying in these exams take you to step two.
If you apply for Short Service Commission Flying (Pilot) or as an NCC Senior Division ‘C’ Certificate holder, your application is processed by Air HQ and call letter issued by AFSBs.

If your have applied to the Technical Branch you will be required to appear the Engineering Knowledge Test (EKT).
Similarly, for non tech ground duty branches, you would require to appear for a Common Entrance Test (CET).
If you pass the EKT/CET, you move to the next step.

Step 2 - Testing Officer Like Qualities –

If you have successfully cleared Step 1,
You will receive a call letter to report to any one of the Air Force Selection Boards located at Dehradun, Varanasi and Mysore.
At the Air Force Selection Boards, you undergo a number of psychological tests, an interview and group activities, which are collectively called the Officer like Qualities (OLQ) Tests.
These tests are designed to gauge your potential and suitability as an officer in the Armed Forces.
The Psychological Tests are written tests that are conducted by a Psychologist.
The Group Tests are interactive indoor and outdoor tests.
They expect active physical participation from the candidates.
The Interview involves a personal conversation with Interviewing Officer.
These tests will be explained to you in detail before they are conducted at the Selection Board.

The following is the schedule for OLQ Tests:
Schedule Flying Branch Technical Branch Ground Duty Branch
Day 1 Pilot Aptitude Battery Test*
(Phase I)- Intelligence Tests/ Psychological Tests
(Phase I)- Intelligence Tests/ Psychological Tests
(Phase I)**
Day 2 Phase I & Psychological Tests Group tests Group tests
Day 3 Group tests Group tests Group tests
Day 4 Group tests Interview Interview
Day 5 Interview Conference Conference
Day 6 Conference

Pilot Aptitude Battery Test (PABT) is a unique test.
It is aimed at assessing a candidate’s aptitude to be trained as a pilot.
PABT is being used as an independent selection device to induct potential officers into Flying Branch of Indian Air Force.
PABT comprises three tests viz
Instrument Battery Test (INSB),
Sensory Motor Apparatus Test (SMA)
And Control Velocity Test (CVT).
Instrument Battery Test (INSB) is a paper pencil test and other two are machine tests.
The Instruments Battery Test (INSB) comprises two parts.
This test assesses assimilation of the briefing and the ability of an individual to read and interpret the dials of an instrument panel of an aircraft.
The candidates who score the minimum laid down criteria are subjected to the machine test.
The machine test includes Sensory Motor Apparatus Test (SMA) and Control Velocity Test (CVT).
These tests measure the psychomotor co-ordination skill of the individual.
These tests are conducted on a single day and administered only once in life time.

Phase I of testing gets over on 1st day for all type of entries except NDA/CDSE/NCC/Direct entry for which it gets over on second day.
Only those candidates who qualify in Phase I shall be retained at AFSB for further testing of Phase II.
NDA/CDSE candidates who do not qualify the PABT will still be tested for their second/third choice.

At the conference held on the last day, all the assessors i.e. the Psychologist, Ground Testing Officer and the Interviewing Officer, discuss your personality and decide on recommending you or not.
Those recommended by the AFSBs will require filling up certain documents at the Boards and subsequently moving to the next step.

Step 3 - Conducting of Medical Examinations
If you have applied for the Flying branch and are found suitable by the Selection Board, you would be sent to the Air Force Central Medical Establishment, New Delhi or the Institute of Aerospace Medicine, Bangalore for a thorough medical examination.

If you have applied for the Technical or Ground Duty Branches and are found suitable, you may be asked to return home and await a call for a medical examination or be sent directly for the medical examination.

Step 4 -Preparing All India Merit List -
An All India Merit List is compiled on the basis of your performance at the AFSB and subject to being medically fit.
Based on the vacancies available, Air HQ would issue joining instructions to join Air Force Academy for the training.

After you have cleared the selection procedure, you are sent to one of the Air Force training establishments. Here you undergo scientifically planned rigorous physical and academic training that is aimed to gear you for the life in Air Force.

All the Air Force training establishments are equipped with the state-of-the-art infrastructure and the best of the facilities including clubs, swimming pools, squash courts etc. Once you join the training establishments, Air Force takes care of all your requirements like food, lodging etc. and also gives you a monthly stipend during the training period.

Names of The Air Force Establishments –

1. National Defence Academy
2. Air Force Academy
3. Air Force Technical College
4. Flying Training Establishments


BK Chowla, April 02, 2010  

A very informative post, but after the strictures of the SC, how many would like to join the forces?
SC has said--You treat the soldiers like beggars.

BK Chowla,,,  April 03, 2010  

A very informative post, but after the strictures of the SC, how many would like to join the forces?SC has said--You treat the soldiers like beggars.

BK Chowla,,,  April 04, 2010  

A very informative post, but after the strictures of the SC, how many would like to join the forces?SC has said--You treat the soldiers like beggars.

RK,  April 13, 2010  

A very informative post

Anonymous,  May 05, 2010  

Excellent blog.. i really appreciate ur work!!

sm,  May 13, 2010  


vikas solanki,  June 15, 2010  

vikas solanki
i am very exited to join IAF
but some people told that you treat the soldiers as begger

sm June 16, 2010  

vikas solanki,,
just ask the person which company treats a employee as a owner.
2nd is the power of Air force Uniform and flying made in India Fighter Tejas , who will give you this opportunity.
3rd is If you become IAS and IPS to whom you obey third class uneducated politicians.

Everyone is beggar in India.

sm,  July 08, 2010  


Anonymous,  August 13, 2010  

Excellent blog.. i really appreciate ur work!!

sm,  August 13, 2010  


Unknown October 03, 2010  


SM October 04, 2010  

check the qualifications required.
One has to pass the CDSE exam.

Unknown October 10, 2010  

very useful..thanx

sm,  October 11, 2010  


Anonymous,  December 29, 2010  

may i please know where and when will the recruitment takes place? when is the next/existing opening of recruitment for 'short term-service' in technical section for male candidates fulfiling the age and educational criteria?
please help me in this regard.
thank you.

redchutni February 28, 2011  

I will be a graduate in july 2012,when should i apply for administrative branch? March'12 or september'11

sm,  March 01, 2011  

Please check the advt, its given there.
As I Get the more information i will add to comments

Anonymous,  March 13, 2011  

i am 25,married and complited M.COM with 58%.can i join as a ground duty officer in IAF ?

Anonymous,  March 25, 2011  

Sir i think this Indian Air Force gives us an opportunity to soar high in the sky and to serve for country but its for those who does not have any greed of money those who really wants to do something.
Rampur U.P.

SM March 27, 2011  


Anonymous,  April 27, 2011  


SM April 27, 2011  


honey May 01, 2011  

i am persuing b.tech with I.T. branch
and now i am in third year
i want to join indian air force
my age is 20 years
can i join indian air force now
if yes then please tell me how

sm,  May 01, 2011  

Keep reading Employment news regarding this.
complete graduation side by side prepare for exam and interview.

Anonymous,  May 08, 2011  

uff i was damn scared that whther i wud be eligilble in age requirement of IAF!!bt thank god that he has made such site which gave me such a big relief !!_syan

Anonymous,  May 08, 2011  

i have a doubt ,since...my dob is 25.08.1991. m in b.sc 2 ..m i eligible to join IAF..after my graduation ??

sm,  May 09, 2011  

Make a habit to read employment news.

vani,  May 21, 2011  

My height is 151cms only... will it create any problem for me to join the flying branch or is it possible to go through the flying branch..what is the minimum height for ground duty... please help me.....

Sujith,  October 23, 2011  

Thanks for giving these informations.


jatin,  November 11, 2011  

thank u very much i will be joining INDIAN AIR FORCE . jet pilot

akshe.s November 19, 2011  

i am +2 now, can i join air force later after my higher studies? if yes tell me clearly what i should do to imporve my fitness, my personality,etc.....

SM November 21, 2011  

Akshe, thanks. Learn swimming or horse riding or boxing etc. to improve fitness.

akshe.s November 21, 2011  

when i can join?????
at what age is min...

vijay December 13, 2011  

i am commerce computer science student can i join to AF pls let me knw 7204074707 this is my contact details pls let me know ............i am waitin for espponce

SM December 14, 2011  


start to read employment news paper.

juhi December 20, 2011  

sir, i am pursuing my 2nd year can i write for the exam to b conducted in february 2012.kindly inform me about the same.

Asit kisan January 06, 2012  

sir i am asit kisan. i am in diploma enggineering in metallurgical branch. sir,can i join indian air force? If yes, please tell me how. Please inform me sir.

soumya singh January 06, 2012  

sir, i have a tattoo on my arm and back... am i eligible to join the air force.it has been my dream since i was a kid...

SM January 06, 2012  

Asit kisan, thanks.
soumya singh,thanks.
Read the post carefully and make a habit to read employment news paper.

SM January 29, 2012  


Clear your backlog paper.

ACHARYA,  February 05, 2012  


AKSHAY KUMAR YADAV,  March 17, 2012  

SOLANKI i like your comment on air force i like it very much may god bless u. and INDIAN AIR FORCE needs that type of boys as you. bye friend. I PROUD TO BE AN INDIAN WHICH CONTAINS THAT OF BOYS LIKE U.

Ganesh April 18, 2012  

My dob is 21 05 1992 and i am in b tech 1st years can i join in IAF after b tech why are you ask age limits for a student. I am very intresting to join in IAF
thank you sir

Asit kisan June 29, 2012  

sir, i am asit kumar kisan. my age is 20years.can i join in indian air force in flying branch?

Unknown July 17, 2012  

sir, i am arunima sinha. i m b.tech final year student. can i join indian air force? if i can join what is the procedure of join the air force.

Reed October 26, 2012  

Asit kisan, thanks. soumya singh,thanks. Read the post carefully and make a habit to read employment news paper.

Unknown May 13, 2015  

i love airforce .... its my dream

Unknown August 15, 2017  

can i join indian air force after having ear and nose sugeries. plsss help