14 August 2010

15th August 2010 – India Independence Day – where is independence? What we are celebrating?

15th August 2010 – India Independence Day – where is independence? What we are celebrating?

Reality views by sm –
Saturday, August 14, 2010

At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom. Yes! India has woken up to freedom, but for whom?

Only for Rich People of India and Politicians. –

Every year 15th august comes and goes,
The people celebrate and enjoy it.
Give a second
And think what you are celebrating?
Which independence we are celebrating ?

• No Pension
• No Employment
• No Maternity benefits
• No Accident compensation
• No Minimum wages
• No Health Benefits
• No education
• No 24 hours electricity
• No 24 hours water
• No electricity
• No water
• Afraid to celebrate Valentines Day
• Afraid to talk about sex
• Afraid to talk against politicians
• Afraid to talk against Police
• Afraid to talk against Judiciary
• Afraid to talk against corrupt system
• Afraid to Report to Police
• Afraid to become sick
• Afraid to stop child labor
• Afraid to save trees
• Afraid to go on road
• Afraid to go on road after 7
• Afraid to travel alone
• Afraid to give birth to girl child
• Afraid to marry outside caste
• Afraid to love someone
• Afraid to help the people on road

Afraid and
Afraid and Afraid

This is our India , Our India where is Independence ?
Where is democracy ?

We are becoming 3 monkeys of Gandhi or may be we have already become 3 monkeys of Gandhi.

For everything we have to beg to the politicians .
For every right thing and thought Supreme Court of India has to order to government to do from food to medicine to education , politicians that is our law makers wait for the orders from Supreme Court of India.

Don’t ignore them , once they unite and start civil war there will not remain one India.

Yeh kaisi aazadi hai?
Which type of Independence is this ?
Don’t you even feel pain when see child labor selling Tri color on the Roads ?

If you think India is going to become super power,
Please know the living standards of USA and Europe then talk .
Get information
Per hour salary
Food , electricity and water consumption
Inventions etc

The World Bank estimates that 456 million Indians (41.6 % of the total Indian population) now live under the global poverty line of $1.25 per day (PPP). This means that a third of the global poor now reside in India

A 2007 report by the state-run National Commission for Enterprises in the Unorganised Sector (NCEUS) found that 77% of Indians, or 836 million people, lived on less than 20 rupees (approximately USD $0.50 nominal; $2 PPP) per day.

This is our , our national song.
Our Indian Reality

Jai Bharat Jai India Jai Hind

Watch the Independence Video – Where is Independence?
Created by SM –
Meaning of the song –
Independence we got so what
Still we are slaves of the rich and powerful
Today also poor is beggar and yesterday also he was beggar
Poor is becoming more poor and middle class is joining the poor
Rich is becoming richer
Today also we need money to live
The people, farmers who cultivate and give us food to eat
And cotton and silk to wore are still living naked and committing suicide
India is an agricultural nation
And still we are not self sufficient
And have to import food
Once India got the rivers of milk,
Milk and water was given free of cost
And today for water also we have to beg
For own profits rich fool the common man
And see that common man fights on the name of language and temple and mosque.
Eat in India and Make money in India
And praise the outsiders
And give contracts to outsiders to do corruption.
Independence we got
Which Independence we got and for what?
Just white king was replaced by the black king
Just outsiders left and our own became the kings
Keeping and maintaining the same system of slavery
Still we are slaves
Which Independence we got?


shilpa,  August 14, 2010  

excellent video

BK Chowla, August 14, 2010  

What are celebrating the presence of most unwanted politicians and the patience of 100 crore

chitra August 14, 2010  

I too liked the video.My heart is heavy .
Still let me greet you on Independence day as there are many people like to express their thoughts independently.

Amrit August 14, 2010  

Afraid to vote....
Afraid to contest election..(basic right)
Afraid to speak your mind....
Metro but no sanitation
Gap between poor and rich is too high to capture in comments or blogs.

As usual excellent post.

sm,  August 15, 2010  

BK Chowla,,

sm,  August 15, 2010  

Happy Independence Day

sm,  August 15, 2010  

yes afraid to vote, contest election, speak mind
thanks for adding more

Swatantra August 15, 2010  

Excellent post and Video..

sm,  August 15, 2010  


Raj August 16, 2010  

we celebrate so we donot have to commencorate. people died to get us THIS. so whatever this is, or whatever we have made of it, we should. we celebrate someones humanity and someones bravery. i do.

sm,  August 16, 2010  

Happy Independence day.

Ordinary_Indian August 16, 2010  

Habit is second nature, they say. Over the past sixty-three years we have got into the habit of celebrating the Independence Day. So much so that we do not feel it necessary anymore to pause and think what is it that we are celebrating. It is one of the many festivals in this ancient land of ours that come and go every year.

Thanks for shaking us up this independence day.

sm,  August 17, 2010  

Yes you rightfully you said It is one of the many festivals in this ancient land of ours that come and go every year.

Insignia August 24, 2010  

We celebrate years of corruption, negligence and apathy

sm,  August 24, 2010  
