12 November 2010

Biography Profile of A. Raja Telecom Minister Known for 2 G Scam

Detailed Biography and Profile of A. Raja – Telecom Minister Known for 2 G Scam –

Name - Andimuthu Raja

Constituency from which I am elected - Nilgiris

Father's Name - S.K. Andimuthu

Mother's Name - Chinnapillai

Date of Birth - 1963-05-10

Birth Place - Velur, Distt. Perambalur (Tamil Nadu)

Maritial Status - Married

Date of Marriage - 1996-02-04

Spouse Name - Smt. M.A. Parameswari

No. of Children - No.of Sons:0 No.of Daughters:1 - Mayuri

State Name - Tamil Nadu

Party Name - Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK)

Permanent Address -
Vill. Velur,Taluka and Distt. Perambalur - 621 212 Tamil Nadu ,
Tels. - (04328)277052,268255 Fax. (04328) 276376

Present Address -
2-A, Motilal Nehru Marg,New Delhi - 110 011,
Tels. (011) 23010468, 23016553 (R),
23319696, 23739191, 24329191, 24369191 (O) 09868180390 (M) Fax. (011) 24362333
(O)23017146 (R)

Educational Qualifications -
B.Sc., B.L., M.L. Educated at Government Arts College, Musiri, Distt. Trichy Government
Law College, Madurai and Government Law College, Trichy, Tamil Nadu
Profession – Politician , Advocate

Positions Held –
1996 Elected to 11th Lok Sabha

1999 Re-elected to 13th Lok Sabha (2nd term)

13 Oct. 1999 - 29 Sept. 2000 Union Minister of State, Rural Development

30 Sept. 2000- 21 Dec. 2003 Union Minister of State, Health and Family Welfare

2004 Re-elected to 14th Lok Sabha( 3rd term)

23 May 2004 - 17 May 2007 Union Cabinet Minister, Environment & Forests

18 May 2007-onwards Union Cabinet Minister, Communication and Information Technology

2009 Re-elected to 15th Lok Sabha (4th term)

31 May 2009 Union Cabinet Minister, Communications and Information Technology

Controversies and A. Raja – Telecom Minister

In 2008, he submitted his post-dated resignation to the DMK chief M Karunanidhi over the killings of Tamil civilians in Sri Lanka
His resignation was a part of the mass resignation of all the D.M.K ministers forming a part of the coalition UPA central government.

The Economic Times - Telecom Minister A Raja has been indicted by the CAG in the 2G spectrum scam, which resulted in a loss of about Rs 170,000 crore (Rs 1.7 trillion)

Telecom Minister A Raja, under attack from the Opposition, has told Parliament that there was complete transparency in the way 2G spectrum was allocated by his ministry.

Suggested Reading –

Timeline of the 2G Spectrum Scam –

Article Written on - 13 November 2008 Regarding 2 G scam -

Is it Another Spectrum Scam Scam amount 60 000 crore.

Below is the Photo Of A. Raja - Telecom Minister

Reality views by sm –

Friday, November 12, 2010


sm,  November 12, 2010  

Kiran Bajaj Sawhney,,

Usha November 12, 2010  

sm, Good to know more about A Raja, Telecom minister responsible for loss of about Rs 170,000 crore..shocking infinite amount.

Love to visit your place to get detail update on various political issues...also many other interesting posts..I am slowly catching up.Thanks.

sm,  November 12, 2010  


Amrit November 12, 2010  

I can tell you for sure he does not the meaning of 2G spectrum. Is he the one responsible for 3G and 4G spectrum?

Man..we need an Engineer (India has millions) to be a Telecommunication minister. Most likely an Engineer would not lose 170,000 Crore.

SM, as usual very informative post...thanks for keeping us informed about India.

chitra November 12, 2010  

sm, Again you have shown skills. You are an encyclopedia. When I saw the figures printed in news paper I was shocked to see the number of zeroes in the figure . Didn't know how to count:)

sm,  November 12, 2010  

today in India even Engineers do not know what is 2G.
I agree with you for each department head should be expert of that department, like education he should be teacher from OXFORD,
Sports he should be Gold medal winner or someone like Sachin Tendular or Gavaskar

sm,  November 12, 2010  

Neither i know how to count.
even i can not dream about such amounts.

SM November 12, 2010  

Bikramjit Singh Mann,,

Rama Ananth November 12, 2010  

I am glad that at least a our news channels have taken up the duty of being our country's watch dog. If it had not been for them these goondas would have continued looting our country.
Many more corrupt people we know are still roaming about freely in our country, soon their turn should also come.
Thanks for all the information.

sm,  November 12, 2010  


sm,  November 13, 2010  


Anonymous,  November 16, 2010  

If A Raja is being indicted now. Why Govt. machinary was ignorant/ silent earlier. Can it assummed that so many agencies who are suppose to act as ear & eyes was under intoxication ( of any Kind) If One man can do such mircle than he deserves to be head of biggest body like SUPERMAN.

sm,  November 16, 2010  


Gouri Guha February 03, 2011  

At least Raja can now think he is no longer the RAJA...after his arrest.

sm,  February 03, 2011  

Gouri Guha,,

Anonymous,  May 20, 2011  

India shall shot all people who are not loyal to their country in any case... betraying or corruption and constitution shall take care of it................how long these people will play with tax payers money and never learn lesson of patritiosam

sm May 20, 2011  


Kamlal,  February 01, 2012  

@Gouri Guha

Onions make you cry...believe me this is true...

But dont think that Onions will change into something else... It'll be Onion always.... B'coz GOD created in such a way only!!!!