16 January 2011

Beauty is only skin deep - Meaning of Proverb with story explaining meaning of Proverb Beauty is only skin deep –

Beauty is only skin deep - Meaning of Proverb with storyexplaining meaning of Proverb Beauty is only skin deep –

Beauty is only skin deep –

Meaning of the proverb Beauty is only skin deep –

1.A person may be beautiful on the outside, but still have an 'ugly' heart or soul.

2.Don't be led by the exterior. Give more attention to what lies beneath the skin.

3.Appearances are deceptive.

4.If someone is not beautiful and attractive but he may have beautiful heart and soul.

5.Its like saying don’t judge the book by cover , there is no guarantee that inside story or article will be as good as the cover.

6.Physical beauty is superficial.

7.A pleasing exterior is no guide to a person's real character.

8.Physical beauty is superficial and is not as important as a person's intellectual, emotional, and spiritual qualities.

9.Physical beauty is just an external attribute. Beneath the skin we are all the same and yet all different.

10.Physical beauty is not the measure of worth of a human being.

11.true beauty lies within, outer beauty is merely superficial

Origin – Physical beauty is superficial.
External attractiveness has no relation to goodness.
This maxim was first stated by Sir Thomas Overbury in his poem "A Wife" (1613):
"All the carnall beauty of my wife is but skin-deep."

Story Explaining the Proverb - Beauty is only skin deep

Sara was a very beautiful and innocent girl.
She got many friends .She always dreamed that one day a prince will come on horse and will take her as her bride.
While traveling in London she met the charming and youthful man James.
James was handsome, just like the hero of movies James Bond.
Both became friends, James took her to the lunch and dinner.
Sara thought she found her prince charming but she was unaware about the evil thoughts of James.
One day Sara went to hotel room of James, there he gave her drugs and raped her and then sold her to prostitution racket.

Thus Sara only thought about the Physical beauty of James she never thought about the heart and intentions of James.

Reality views by sm –
Sunday, January 16, 2011


KParthasarathi January 16, 2011  

I liked your post detailing the different ways in which the proverb 'Beauty is only skin deep' could be understood and the short story to explain further

Renu January 16, 2011  

I agree to everything, specially the 7th point...today i see many people who are extremely sweet , but not so good really.

Rama Ananth January 16, 2011  

I don't think you can generalise like that, a person who is good to look at may be bad and that a person who is not good looking may be bad.A person not so good looking may be bad from inside also, and similarly a good looking can be bad or good too from the inside. One cannot judge people on their looks. Anything can happen in any kind of situation.

Creativity January 16, 2011  

Very Well Described & Explained About 'Beauty Is Only Skin Deep'

Nrupen Masram January 16, 2011  

I like the way you explain man. But there are many people like Sara.

sm,  January 16, 2011  


sm,  January 16, 2011  


sm,  January 16, 2011  

i agree with you its not guarantee,
this is the just proverb and old saying sometimes its right and sometimes its wrong.

sm,  January 16, 2011  


sm,  January 16, 2011  

Nrupen Masram,,
Yes there are many

Gouri Guha January 16, 2011  

Beauty cannot measure the thoughts, words and deeds of a human being.
The proverbial saying may not be 100 pecent true, but proverbs and sayings are always thoughtful.

sm,  January 16, 2011  

Gouri Guha,,

Jon January 17, 2011  

we judge a person whom we donot know based on his looks... we have no other choices have we?!

sm,  January 17, 2011  


Usha January 18, 2011  

Sm, Your posts on "Proverb Meaning Stories" are interesting readings...read few of them.

This proverb has good wisdom.In day to day life we do fall for such traps, we must stay conscious.

sm,  January 18, 2011  


Shanthi Krishnakumar February 01, 2011  

Nice thinking and nice blog

sm,  February 01, 2011  


Kirtivasan,  May 16, 2011  

Britishers never give a damn for morality. And lesser for proverbs as such.

The beauty to them is the Fibonacci series. The golden ratio law.

sm,  May 16, 2011  


sm,  May 16, 2011  


rj,  May 25, 2011  

nice but veri short

Anonymous,  October 07, 2012  

bellissimo avere questi ragguagli, per la bellezza farei di tutto , adesso uso vandel skin e sono più bella!


Anonymous,  November 14, 2012  

that story was so creepy because I my name is actually Sarah too...

Anonymous,  January 02, 2013  

Wish you could post more proverbs with meanings and examples

Anonymous,  March 09, 2014  

Rama, I agree with everything you said. Any thing can happen in any kind of situation. The way peoples are in the world today. Life is like a box's of chocolate you never no what your gonna get.

Anonymous,  April 15, 2014  

I liked your story at the end. i had a hard time explaining it to my cousin as not being messed up and actually being an excellent example. great job, hope to see more

ZAHEER ABBAS August 07, 2023  

Thanks again any story you can publish