04 January 2011

Sri Lanka Government Planning to bring Taliban Type Rules – Planning to introduce dress code for Females –

Sri Lanka Government Planning to bring Taliban Type Rules – Planning to introduce dress code for Females –

In Past Sri Lanka Government has already banned the use of bill boards featuring women showing cleavage or exposing thighs to advertise products or services in the country.

In 2010, US singer Akon was denied a visa to perform in Sri Lanka after Buddhist monks took offence at one of his videos that featured women in bikinis dancing around a pool in front of a Buddha statue.

Is it not possible Akon representatives did not pay a bribe to get the Visa?
Just a doubt.

The cultural ministry was considering public petitions calling for a ban on mini skirts which have raised the ire of ultra conservative sections of society, officials said.

The Cultural Ministry forwarded the petitions to a committee to study the requests and come up with a dress code for females in public places, a ministry official told PTI.

Ministry Secretary Nimal Rubashinghe said no firm stand was taken in respect of the skimpy women's clothing, but the Lakbima News daily said the government was contemplating banning mini skirts.

The Lakbima News newspaper said mini-skirts could be banned if the cultural ministry had its way under a "new era of moral purity".

Reality views by sm –
Tuesday, January 04, 2011

As soon as person goes outside of the home, the public place starts.

on the name of religion or groups Sri Lanka Government is planning to violate
the human rights of Sri Lankan females.

If you love the democracy, respect the human rights I will advise you stop visiting Sri Lanka for tours.
Always visit and tour the nation which supports human rights

This is just the beginning of murdering of Democracy if Sri Lanka government becomes successful in defining a dress code for females and controlling them, then tomorrow they will ban the jobs for females, education for females saying that Boys needs jobs and females should sit at home and cook and raise the kids.


Amrit January 04, 2011  

Very good information. But I don't think SL will go that far.

Nrupen Masram January 04, 2011  

Hi SM i liked that quote ,"As soon as person goes outside of the home, the public place starts.". That's 100% true. I don't have any problem with Srilanka's decision to ban mini-shirt and dress that shows cleavage. Because no matter how much characterful person a man is, he has high level of sexual attraction towards woman and such dresses will promote that to him. So banning such kinda dress will just become safe for woman and surely the guyz who love watching them in such dresses will surely have a bad time.


chitra January 04, 2011  

We speak of global villages, high standard of living but in some countries they are still living in by gone eras. One must be dynamic.

Insignia January 04, 2011  

Sad. Reading so many things about SL, I feel I have to reconsider my plan of touring the country :-(

sm January 04, 2011  

Nrupen Masram, ,
thanks for your views
please write a article in support of your statment and i will debate answer you and prove that every point is wrong.

sm,  January 04, 2011  


sm,  January 04, 2011  


kiran sawhney January 04, 2011  

Ridiculous. Sri Lanka will be doomed if it follows Taliban

sm,  January 04, 2011  

Kiran Bajaj Sawhney,,

Kirtivasan Ganesan January 04, 2011  

We have a lesson to learn from Sri Lanka's boldness in planning about dress code. In India no minister will even dream of such thing. All they are interested in is increasing their salaries.

sm,  January 04, 2011  

I hope you will also write a article on supporting dress code.
so will be easy for all of us to answer it.

Kirtivasan Ganesan January 04, 2011  

I am taking liberty to write in your blog.
Dresses were made to protect from weather. But alas a lot of hue and cry over dresses happen. This is mainly due to religious beliefs. Other factor could be the society in general.

Kirtivasan Ganesan January 04, 2011  

It is human intelligence which is the main culprit for the dress issue. Animals never thought of wearing a dress.

R. Ramesh January 04, 2011  

u write so well boss..esp interesting topics..and best wishes ya

sm,  January 04, 2011  

Thanks for writing in comment .

sm,  January 04, 2011  

R. Ramesh,,

Maya January 05, 2011  

Do lot of ppl wear minis in srilanka? i doubt that

sm,  January 06, 2011  

The Generalist,,
Do not know, this is question of freedom of choice
not quantity or quality.