27 February 2011

(RTI) activist Jabbardan Gadhvi commits suicide .What is the Reward for doing and Using Right to Information Act for benefit of India

(RTI) activist Jabbardan Gadhvi commits suicide .

What is the Reward for doing and Using Right to Information  Act for benefit of India

45 Year old Right to information activist Jabbardan Gadhvi Committed suicide.
Jabbardan Gadhvi demanded information on alleged irregularities in cattle grazing in the Rapar taluka of Kutch district.

Jabbardan Gadhvi set himself ablaze in the compound of the Mamlatdar's office after having received constant threats from the Mamlatdar, Talati and the PSI of Rapar.

Before this also few honest, national heroes Right to activists committed suicide because of harassment from government employees.

Some people have become so fearless that they do not even fear the law and murder the RTI activists or the people who demand information from government offices.

October 2010 -
Whistleblower Keshubha Jadeja committed suicide.
Keshubha Jadeja exposed the bogus billing scam of seniors.
After that seniors harassed him so much that he committed suicide.

July 2010 –
Criminals Murdered RTI activists Amit Jethva
Reason for murdering him –
Amit Jethva exposed illegal mining activity of politicians around the Gir Sanctuary.

February 2010 –
RTI activist Vikram Dodhiya was murdered by criminals.
Reason for murdering him –
Vikram started to fight against electricity company in Surat in connection with fraud.

Pune –
RTI activists Shetty was murdered

Mumbai –
RTI activist Santosh Daundkar is among those who exposed scams pertaining to Adarsh Society scam.
He was also threatened by criminals.
Mr. Santosh Daundkar was also responsible for finding out about faulty bullet proof vests

After doing the national service what reward these people get,
They get harassment , they do not get support from Indians.

This is one of the reason we Indians need a law which will make it compulsory for all the government offices to make available all the information on internet on daily basis thus any Indian can see the file, read and know the status of file.
Thus the government babus will also know they have to complete files on time.

For protection of RTI activists they should be provided government security, strict punishment to criminals.

Reality Views by sm –

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Suggested Reading –
Beware from site www.stringpython.com has copied my, realityviews.blogspot.com blog articles and published them – Do not pay money for my articles to this site.



Irfanuddin February 27, 2011  

as per the informations, He had warned the Mamlatdar two days in advance that he would immolate himself..... Why did no body care to prevent him?"

Sushant Jain February 27, 2011  

RTI is of no use. we can not use it.

ZEAL February 27, 2011  

I agree , they need protection .

sm,  February 27, 2011  

that is the big question unanswered.

sm,  February 27, 2011  


sm,  February 27, 2011  


Bikram February 28, 2011  

there shud be special laws made to protect these people .. but then people who are doing all these bad things and eating our country they will still find a way to get to them ..


sm,  March 01, 2011  

its their but again toothless.

Anonymous,  March 29, 2014  

I m from jabbardan's Rapar. Situations changed after his secrifice. Babus are not so hard to reach now a days. But getting information is still tough because they are not enthusiestc and clever enough to resolve the web of scams created in past