26 April 2011

God Particle, Higgs boson Found by Scientist. Is it rumour that God Particle Found by scientist?

God Particle, Higgs boson Found by Scientist.
Is it rumour that God Particle Found by scientist?

A rumor is floating around the physics community that the world's largest atom smasher may have detected, found a long-sought subatomic particle called the Higgs boson, also known as the "God particle."

One of the main scientific goals of the huge £6 billion atom smasher was to prove the existence of the Higgs boson.
Higgs Boson known as the God particle theoretical particle believed to give everything in the universe mass.
The particle is a key part of the standard model used in physics to describe how particles and atoms are made up.

Below is the photo of simulated accelerator signal of a Higgs boson or God Particle

The controversial rumor is based on what appears to be a leaked internal note from physicists at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), a 17-mile-long particle accelerator near Geneva, Switzerland had picked up signals that could be the long sought after particle, called the Higgs boson.

The memo first appeared on the blog of physicist Peter Woit, from Columbia University. He wrote: "It’s the sort of thing you would expect to see if there were a Higgs at that mass, but the number of events seen is about 30 times more than the standard model would predict."

The memo revealed that one of the particle detectors at the LHC had caught a particle that could be a Higgs boson decaying into other two high-energy particles known as photons.

Some scientists initially said they believed the memo could have been a hoax, but it was confirmed as genuine by officials at CERN.

James Gillies, official spokesman for CERN, said that while the results note was genuine, it was one of thousands constantly being produced by scientists and that is was still in the very early stages of assessment.

He said: "It is far too early to say if there is anything to it or not. There are 3,000 scientists working on ATLAS and they divide the analysis work up between them.

Officials at CERN said the result had not yet been properly verified and could turn out to be a false alarm.

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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Keyword Tags – God Particle Found Higgs Boson Found