14 May 2011

Adarsh Scam Important Files Relating to Adarsh Society Missing in Delhi

Adarsh Scam Important Files Relating to Adarsh Society Missing in Delhi

On Saturday a senior CBI officer told that the files relating to the Adarsh illegal Housing society have gone missing from the Union Ministry of Environment and Forests in New Delhi.

Which Adarsh files are missing from the Union Ministry of Environment and Forests in New Delhi?

The officer told that "Files which include letters issued by the Environment Ministry to the state government regarding Coastal Regulation Zone norms, and asking the society to approach the appropriate state government department for clearance, have gone missing,"

The construction of the building allegedly violated CRZ norms, and it allegedly got additional FSI in breach of rules.

The missing files from MOEF also contain the society's proposal, forwarded by the state government to the Union Ministry, seeking CRZ clearance for construction.

The ministry had replied stating that since the plot fell in CRZ, permission was required from Maharashtra Coastal Zone Management Authority (MCZMA).

Last year, some files pertaining to the society had gone missing from the Maharashtra Urban Development Department (UDD) and three officials from the UDD were arrested in this connection on May 5.

Adarsh Housing society is illegal society.

Adarsh Housing Society should be demolished but let us see in future who wins Honesty wins or dishonesty wins.

Demolition of Adarsh Building means Honesty Wins.

Legalization of Adarsh Housing Society means Dishonest wins.

After this more illegal towers will be built by others saying if Adarsh can be legalized then our building will be legalized Let us throw and keep the laws in dust bin.

In India do you know we are allowed to build anything without permission and then we make it legal?

This is how work is done in India.

Law says building xyz tower is illegal.
who cares and who fears?

The people who got the money proudly do the xyz, the creation of Illegal Building or tower, Government officers keep mum when the construction goes on for 1 year or 2 years.

After that If anyone complaints they say now the XYZ tower and building is completed
Now make it legal.

Already such things happened many times this happened in Past and now it is becoming the rule of law do the construction of illegal towers and building as it will be legalized sooner or later.

Reality views by sm –
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Keyword Tag – Adarsh Scam Society Files Missing Union Ministry of Environment and Forests