10 May 2011

Lion Dream Interpretation Meaning of Animal Dream Lion Dream Meaning Part 6

Lion Dream Interpretation Meaning of Animal Dream Lion Dream Meaning Part 6

Lion equals or represents strength, courage, aggression, power, dignity, royalty, leadership, pride and domination.

Lioness shows or represents hope, victory, tenacity and stamina.

In the Tarot cards, the Lion is a symbol of strength that can be controlled by gentleness (symbolized by a woman dressed in white)

To dream of a lion, signifies that a great force is driving you.

Lion dreams are common among people who are about to start or change on new careers or job.

To see a lion in your dream shows that you will over come all the emotional problems which you are facing.

In a dream if you see you defeat the lion, if you see the lion is afraid of you this means that in your life enemies are afraid of you and you control them.

In a dream if you see that lion is overpowering you then it shows that in your life your enemies are overpowering you and you need to take right steps to defeat them.

To see a lion in your dream means you will dominate on someone, you will influence someone. Its indication that you should control your domination on others.
Its indication that you should dominate in limit should not cross limit of domination.

In a dream if you see lion is attacking you, that means that you are on wrong path in your life and you are creating problems for yourself , its warning sign that watch your path, correct your mistakes , its warning that trouble is ahead be careful.

In a dream if you see lion is threatening you this means that in your office your position is challenged by someone, you need to be careful.

In your dream if you see black lion that means you are going into negativity you need to become positive. Its indication that you are using your powerful position for doing bad deeds in your life, its indication that you are troubling innocent people. It’s warning that you need to become more kind and positive and helpful towards people.

In a dream if you see you are lion tamer that shows that you are in control of your power and you know how to handle your power in a right way.

In a dream if you see lioness it shows that you will do anything to save and protect your friends and relatives, you will cross all the boundaries to save and help the loved once.

In a dream if you see young lion then it shows you will start new business or in your new business you will get success.

If female see that lion in dream it means and shows that she is having a great lover or indication that she will meet a new great lover or she is desirous of new lover.

To see a lion's skin shows a rise to fortune and happiness.

The lion also appears in alchemical texts in different forms.
In alchemy the lion is symbolic of gold - a spiritual quality
For example, the green lion eating the sun can symbolize the initial stage of alchemical transformation, the attempts by the soul to transform its current state into something more magnificent.

The red lion in alchemy, however, is a symbol of completion that is often synonymous with the Philosopher's Stone - the key to attainment of the "Magnum Opus" or the integration of the Self.

In Hinduism, the lion is an avatar of Vishnu.

In Christian Symbolism the Lion can represent Christ.

A lesser known biblical lion is the lion of Samson's riddle: "So he said to them, 'Out of the eater came something to eat, and out of the strong came something sweet.' (NASB) Judges 14:14 The "eater" was a lion in whose dead carcass bees built a hive from which Samson, in his earlier life, had scooped up honey to eat.

Revelation 5:5 -And one of the elders saith unto me, weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.

Rev. 5:4 I - wept and wept because no one was found who was worthy to open the scroll or look inside. 5 Then one of the elders said to me, "Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed. He is able to open the scroll and its seven seals."

1Pet. 5:8 - Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

In Buddhism the Buddha sits upon the lion as a throne of consistency, strength and wisdom.

In Egyptian mythology, the goddesses Sekhmet and Menhit were both goddesses who had lion characteristics.

In Astrology Leo represents Lion, thus all Leo people represent the characteristics of Lion.

Reality views by sm-
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Keyword Tag - Dream meaning for lion Dream Dream Interpretation symbolism for lion
Meaning of lion Dream Interpretations

Warning – The article is written for entertainment purpose only. Interpretation may be right or wrong. Remember hard work pays always.


Wall October 26, 2012  

i had a dream about a regular lion with its furr upp looking like it was tryna give me tht sense of aggression.. im aggressive n i felt tht the lion new i was too.. he was protecting me. its like i didnt know what it was protecting from bt the lion. i was a little scared bt its like i had mre faith n and confidence then i did fear... the lion comforted me it felt so real like something bout that dream means something for me or sumwhere down in my future its a sign and i dont know what it is.

eamcet 2013 counselling January 19, 2013  

Lion is the king of forest Lion is a lion we cannot comapare with other animals

Marcellus January 29, 2013  

A lion appearing tame and not aggressive,i was very scared because I felt it was bidding its time to harm me.I throw my hat and it goes for it as I run for dear life.Second Dream:A lion is causing havoc in my homestead racing all over looking its cub and the cub is in the house,I cowering and eventually escapes to the mother,dream over and I wake up scared.

Unknown July 18, 2013  

In my dream I had an adult male lion which I took everywhere with me :)

Unknown September 08, 2013  

I had a dream about I was like in a zoo but didn't look like it, it was just more like a zoo look alike place. Then all of the sudden a lion appeared tryin to chace people. I got scared so I tryed to hide then another lion appeared. So now this two lions are chasing two guys who Are trying to put them in a cage. Then the lions start attacking them and eating them. So now I'm scared looking for my family to see if they are safe.then I hear someone saying another lion had escaped.so I'm freaking out in my dream, now I got lions tigers n panthers all over the place.they never tried to hurt me tho. Then I woke up..for me it was a pretty scary dream.

Unknown October 08, 2013  

sir last night in my dream lion and tiger both come in front of our vechicle and start rounding both to our vechile and we start our vechile slowly we move and both animal chase us for little distance and later we reach to our village at last we escape from both lion and tiger .what is the meaning of this dream

Unknown September 10, 2014  

I had a dream of a lion and I baracaded me and my family in a room and called the cops on my ex's crappy flip phone. or they made it... Lol

Unknown December 24, 2015  

I was in a room that felt like home with my children and 2 lioness. The room was sunny and warm with nice tan carpeting that was clean and soft. The one lioness was sitting and the other was cuddling on the floor with my daughter. I felt no fear, only love and peace:-)

Unknown January 06, 2016  

I had a dream about a lion, I was over my daughter getting ready to pickup my grandchild when a lion came out of nowhere and attacked my leg I felt like it was trying to get my baby so I threw her in the car. Then it begins on my legs but I could not feel any pain I called out for my daughter to call my husband and I woke up.

Magesh Sundaram January 08, 2016  

I had a dreem it is byte frindly like playing with dogs or cat and i started playing frindly then wake-up what is meanings

Unknown January 15, 2016  

In my dream this morning a lion and me sharing same dining table, we both were enjoying our meals. And this lion is a regular dream visitor.. He often comes into my dream, he is harmless. What does it mean???

Geeta February 06, 2016  

I liked the last line as it says that "HARD WORK PAYS ALWAYS"

Seansurfn2 February 29, 2016  

In my dream I was at my old house in california with my mom when we heard a breeze rustling the trees but it sounded like something moving in the trees. Then I grabbed my dad's judo stick and went to go wake up my brother. I raced with the judo stick ready to hit what I thought would be an intruder in my house.. then glance to the front of the house and a female lion is just staring at me through the front entry window. Wake up immediately after that heart frigging racing..

Unknown March 01, 2016  

Today mrng 1st I saw 1tiger in my native home hiding and than attacking 1 by 1 agn I saw a tiger wounded and I m tryn to heal his wound my cleaning n bandage it than suddenly I saw 1 lion he didn't attacked directly bt throw smethng towards me and than went ahead n turned bck n watch me in this dream my baby boy of 2 n hlf yr ws also thr. I m confused wht does it mean. I madly love tiger but yesterday I was afraid of it.

Unknown March 14, 2016  

In my dream this morning I saw 5 baby lion and I do not no it mean I was playing with the five baby lion please help what it mean

Unknown March 14, 2016  

In my dream this morning I saw 5 baby lion and I do not no it mean I was playing with the five baby lion please help what it mean

Unknown May 03, 2016  

I have had regular dreams of coming across a lioness.First it was one that chased me viciously and in another dream it was two setting together. I think it's odd that I would see lioness in my dream more than once. TheY stand out to me vividly when I wake up.

shreya May 25, 2016  

I see lions every time i am in my difficult situation where i am not able to make a choice..that very day i get a lion or lions in my dream where they are just moving around my house but not harming anyone.. kindly share your viee

tiger June 20, 2016  

I had a dream last night, in which I saw the place where the lion slept, I went and cleaned the place I dried it , and made it clean.but the moment the lion saw that his place was clean , he started attacking,and me and my family panicked.the moment the lion saw us he growled. I then went and made the place untidy the way it was .when the lion came he came and slept peacefully, he did not bother to harm me or my family.everything was back to normal.i have never cheated anyone ,nor have I taken anyone's money, house....etc etc, but why this dream.....pls reply,and let me interpret what exactly it is. I am Leo and vergo (cusp)born on 23

Maria July 13, 2016  

I had a dream today which was so complex and mixed up. Me and my mom was walking through one of the familiar yet strange roads amidst thick greenness. On the way i saw many lioness coming forth. They were all jogging towards us. But didnt look aggressive at all. We passed them and after a while when i turned and looked back i saw a lion progressing to attack a huge hound. They fought and the lion won. This is all i could remember from the first part. During the second part or one of my another dreams i saw a man in a big creepy dimlighted room. The guy was harboring so many wounded animals and birds. Especially a white cat. Those animals were able to speak and communicate with the man. Then i saw an old lady - a very sensual looking lady. She was very tired and the man took her to the room. He left her with the animals. After a while i saw the cat sucking on her genitals and giving pleasure to her. Then the image shifted and the man reappeared this time in a different part of the room. He stood in front of a bird which looked like a complex amalgamation of a crow and an eagle. When the women saw this bird she was so shockingly surprised. The bird talked to her and i saw a flashback where in the bird and the women(young) had a great relation together and i heard their personal song which was so exquisite.

This was all i could remember. Everything after this is blur n vague. Please help me interpret this dream.

Aditya Chaudhary,  September 08, 2016  

Hi shreya the dream u faced I also faced such dreams of lions roaming around my house, well this is the symbol that you strongly attracted towards someone.

Unknown October 11, 2016  

Early morning I dreamt that There was marriage ceremony in my hometown, we all were gathered there then every one noticed that there Is a lion in front of our garden then he came towards us! Everyone started came in our grand ma house but my uncle left alone at garden, lion ate my uncle den my mom took knife to attack lion but suddenly that lion started speaking I was with my mom, he got to know that my mom was planning to kill him he came to us just started attacking. But with fear I suddenly woke up😅

my diary October 20, 2016  

today around 1:00am in dream I saw that black lion grabbing a calf ... I was so scared.... I just wokeup with scare sound...

Anjana October 26, 2016  

I saw a lion scaring me in my dreams I felt it was hiding somewhere and going to attack me anytime what does it mean pls help

Zozo October 31, 2016  

We were a large group of people walking in some open field. I saw a lion advancing and it tried to attack my daughter; I manage to distract it by throwing stones. It finally left her alone unharmed and started chatting towards us. It passed next to me as I managed to run to a nearby safehouse. My daughter escaped as well.

Ravinder November 06, 2016  

I had a similar dream. To add further, I took out a cigarette lighter and put the dry grass on fire. There was a lot of smoke around and the lion vanished from the spot. I could not interpret.

Unknown January 18, 2017  

In my dream there were 2 or 3 lions and one lioness. I was initially afraid them learned they were tame. I cuddled with them, played with them and rubbed the teets of the lioness.

Neha Pandey October 04, 2018  

I saw lion attacked deer that were around me, but didn't harm me . What is its meaning