17 May 2011

Names of Top 20 Countries with Highest Gold Reserve Top 20 Countries Ranking as per Gold Stock Reserve

Names of Top 20 Countries with Highest Gold Reserve Top 20 Countries Ranking as per Gold Stock Reserve

Below is the list of top 20 countries having highest stock collection of Gold.
Pure quality Gold.

United States: Rank 1
Total gold reserve: 8,133.5 tonnes
Gold constitutes 74.8% of the country's total forex reserves.

Germany Gold Reserve: Rank 2
Total gold reserve: 3,401.0 tonnes
It constitutes 70.8% of the country's total forex reserves.

Italy Gold Reserve: Rank 3
Total gold reserve: 2,451.8 tonnes
It constitutes 69% of the country's total forex reserves.

France Gold Reserve: Rank 4
Total gold reserve: 2,435.4 tonnes
It constitutes 65.9% of the country's total forex reserves.

China Gold Reserve: Rank 5
Total gold reserve: 1,054.1 tonnes
It constitutes 1.6% of the country's total forex reserves.

Switzerland Gold Reserve: Rank 6
Total gold reserve: 1,040.1 tonnes
It constitutes 16.3% of the country's total forex reserves.

Russia Gold Reserve: Rank 7
Total gold reserve: 792.3 tonnes
It constitutes 7.3% of the country's total forex reserves.

Japan Gold Reserve: Rank 8
Total gold reserve: 765.2 tonnes
It constitutes 3.1% of the country's total forex reserves.

Netherlands Gold Reserve: Rank 9
Total gold reserve: 612.5 tonnes
It constitutes 58.5% of the country's total forex reserves.

India Gold Reserve: Rank 10
Total gold reserve: 557.7 tonnes
It constitutes 8.3% of the country's total forex reserves.

Taiwan Gold Reserve: Rank 11
Total gold reserve: 423.6 tonnes
It constitutes 4.7% of the country's total forex reserves.

Portugal Gold Reserve: Rank 12
Total gold reserve: 382.5 tonnes.
It constitutes 82% of the country's total forex reserves.

Venezuela Gold Reserve: Rank 13
Total gold reserve: 365.8 tonnes.
It constitutes 54% of the country's total forex reserves

Saudi Arabia Gold Reserve: Rank 14
Total gold reserve: 322.9 tonnes
It constitutes 3% of the country's forex reserves.

United Kingdom Gold Reserve: Rank 15
Total gold reserve: 310.3 tonnes
It constitutes 16% of the country's total forex reserves.

Lebanon Gold Reserve: Rank 16
Total gold reserve: 286.8 tonnes
It constitutes 29% of the country's total forex reserves.

Spain Gold Reserve: Rank 17
Total gold reserve: 281.6 tonnes
It constitutes about 39.2% of the country's total gold reserves.

Austria Gold Reserve: Rank 18
Total gold reserves: 280 tonnes
It constitutes 55.4% of the country's total gold reserves.

Belgium Gold Reserve: Rank 19
Total gold reserves: 227.5 tonnes
It constitutes 37.4% of the country's total forex reserves.

Algeria Gold Reserve: Rank 20
Total gold reserve: 173.6 tonnes
It constitutes 4.3% of the country's total forex reserves.

Little Info regarding Gold –

The atomic number of gold is 79, which means there are 79 protons in the nucleus of every atom of gold.

Gold melts at 1064 degrees centigrade.

Gold boils at 2808 degrees centigrade.

Suggested Reading –

Part One - How Currency Exchange Rate is decided?
How Currency exchange rate of Indian Rupee and Dollar is decided?

Part Two - How Currency Exchange Rate is decided?
How Currency exchange rate of Indian Rupee and Dollar is decided?

Reality Views by sm-
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Keyword Tag – Gold Reserve Gold Ranking Country Name High Gold Reserve

Source - World Gold Council, as of April, 2011


Insignia May 17, 2011  

If we take into consideration gold jewelry stocked in Indian households, I am sure we will be first :)

SM May 17, 2011  

may be its possible we become No.1

Sandhya May 17, 2011  

I am with insignia! This list is about the gold which is with the Govt., right?

Ours in in private households and Swiss banks!

R. Ramesh May 17, 2011  

me 2 with insignia..in fact, i am mostly with her..hehe

Irfanuddin May 17, 2011  

of course these all rankings are on the Government information.... actual position will be entirely different.....

Destination Infinity May 17, 2011  

With Gold ornaments/ jewelery losing value in Western countries, do you think there will be a reduction of the value of Gold in future? Is there a chance that Gold might lose its value?

Destination Infinity

PS: Since you have disabled right click, try to make your links open in a new window.

sm,  May 17, 2011  


sm,  May 17, 2011  

R. Ramesh,,

sm,  May 17, 2011  


sm,  May 17, 2011  

Destination Infinity,,

Teamgsquare May 18, 2011  

Ha ha i'm too with these people , we would be no.1

sm,  May 18, 2011  

Team G Square,,

Ncdex tips April 20, 2015  

The above mentioned information is really amazing for me. Describing about some top countries highest stock collection of Gold.